Mar 19, 2006 18:02
Im sorry for blurting out stuff at the top of my head, and just saying stuff that doesn't really make sense (did that actually come out of my mouth) when I am frustrated it seems I loose all sense of who I am out the window... But this is my journal and I use it to babble out whatever is dancing around in my head and bothering me, which mich be too intense for most/some people. I apologize! No, im not jumping off a cliff. I am sure there are much better things planned for me for spring quarter. I am done with being sad about not getting the internship I think. I have a whole new quarter ahead of me. I have to make plans for this summer, work with the state more to see if I can get financial help, figure out what I am doing next year altogether. I have thought about doing americorps for two years just like my brother did then going back to college for my masters. We'll see how that goes.
Thank you for all the nice e-mails and notes and messages. I really appreciate it. I had no idea how hard the past three weeks have been on me until last night when I just blew it all out the window. Sometimes all of the issues in my life over flow my brain and then I dont know how to process anything. Thank you LiveJournal for being there for every last rant and cry session that you've gotten me through.
I have also realized that I need to be more patient with people, and learn to love others who are coming into my friends/families lives as people who I can be friends with as well. Give new people a chance! Not just once but a few times. :-)