Apr 13, 2008 18:56
the clouds roll out like patchwork across the late April sky. bits of blue break through dark clouds and the sun illuminates the dilapidated remains of the party from the night before like running spots of summer across the walls and windows. the wind holds a chill; whatever was left of the broad grip of the passing winter but the birds still chirp in the bushes out front. and the branches of the oak trees bud for spring along the streets.
I need the change like a tree needs leaves. your empty glance; the pause in the dull roar of the crowd when not a smile was shared from across the room. you turned your head and i turned my back. again to maneuver through the sea of people and get lost in a stone drunk. i forget myself. I'm sure you looked beautiful in your dress and had a million funny things to say and had your mind set to sorts, but i do not. its gone, I'm tired and it feels like a hole in my chest when I try to breath and think of anything else. how it all happened is the only way it was ever going to happen and i don't know how to talk my way out of it or rationalize my way into it; i don't know if i want to bother. suppose its something close to fate, and such brings many new things in life.