Nov 19, 2005 11:57
well shit kenroy
i hope its nothin like that
i didnt go to my court date cause of that bitch, im a little freaked out cause im sure my liscence is revoked to the state of florida.
but wateva, those bounty hunters on court TV will probably come knocking on my door with their mandatory blonde mullets dancing in the wind
like some solemn climax in a b-movie, their SMG's pointed casually at my face in case i decide not to go willingly into the night.
had a dream last night night i was part of this bomber squad flying over cuba
we landed in some field full of heavy war machinery. and i fell in love with this blonde chic with too much eye-liner
our mission coincidently was to kill her grandmother, she was a polite little grandma that smoked too many cigarrettes.
she let us in with out a hitch.
so i did, then i stole her fishing poles and her tackle box from her closet.
im not sure why, i hear these dreams of fishing and such are my spiritual hungers manifested into dream
but as the girl's mother waited outside the ranch with her suburban running, im sure she saw me take the tackle box as it was
against the wall size window overlooking the courtyard where the SUV was parked facing the objectives private dwellings.
and the blonde i was in love with sat in the kitchen down the hall
of her dead grandmother's suit unawares, i started to sing:
"there is a house in new orleans, they call it the rising sun, it's been the ruin of many a po' boy, and god i know im one
mothers, tell your children, not to do what i have done, living your life in sincere misery, in the house of the rising sun"
then the sun rose painting the 70's style ranch a golden light, illuminating the hills on the horizon, it was a beautiful morning i dreamt.
my love entered the room where i was standing zipping up my flight suit with her grandmas tackle box under one arm
and the pole by my feet, she didnt notice the lifeless body lying on the the master bed.
she only said
"sing louder"
i woke up and read the bible passage: psalm 119-65 through 72.