an adventure to the bleeding heart of miami

Oct 15, 2005 16:06

The first thing i said was, "you never know whats gonna happen in Miami."
45 min later in the middle of the worst neighborhood in south florida i looked
at this stupid bitch and aked her, "how much is your cell phone worth to you?"

it was honestly one of the stickiest places ive ever been in. the hood, the run down
shit, flea, rat infested, straydogs, trash, crackhead, hard knock places to have to find the bum
that found your cell phone.

we were lost and everyone looked like they wanted a piece of what i had in my moms car.
we pulled into this conrner store to turn around. i was ready for anything. i needed a break
and i was way to stoned to be dealing with this shit.

This guy askes us where we are going. we tell him about the cell phone
he looks us straight in the eyes and tells us to get the hell outta here. he says if we value
our car, clothes, money and lives to just forget about it, cut the number and get out while you still can.
but she is incourageable. she has never lost her cell phone and by God she wont lose one now.
so we press on.
and suddenly this guy, one of the good guys, who doesnt care about waht skin you have, becomes our body guard.
he puts his pimped out Boss 6 speed bicycle away and joins us in my car and he offers us "cool guys" to share his stem. no, focus, get the phone
and get out. unwittingly smokes his crack in my back seat alone. (wtf)

after driving all over this damned neighborhood looking for this house that was just down the road from the cornerstore
i seriously began doubting my likelyhood of getting out. i find out later that this chic that leaves tommorrow back for DC
has been looking at the directions wrong, and that she has confused the clearly marked house address with a street. a wild goose chase with now
2 complete strangers in my car that are fucked out of their gourds on something. (wtf)

evryone is eyeballing us, now 3 people have told us to leave with our lives, and we dont seem to be getting any closer.
ths girl who is to stupid to give up even as the world around her is licking their lips she calls he guy.
he outside wating for us at 6400 nw miami terrace. not 64th street not 64th drive, no no no.
hes waitng for us just around the corner from the corner store. he smiles at he queer caravan of people from all walks of life looking for a cell phone
he holds it n the air in rejoice. fucking finally! right?

we drop off the odd looking person my bodyguard picked up to help with directions first. then our protection.
as he gets out he asks for anouther 10dollars fr his active services in helping with finding the phone.
She refuses on the grounds that she has already paid 40 dollars to him. he becomes beligerant in my back seat. the hell i didnt want to see any more of.
i looked at her and she looked at him he started to pull packs of my cigarrettes our of mt carton she gave him the 20 bucks and he left . end of stoy.
as we pulled out shagged and fagged and fashed this guy on a bike rolls by and sticks his head in the window. "how did you guys ever get stuck with that crazy ass muthafucka n your car?" i peeled out and never looked back.
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