
Jan 22, 2012 07:08

so let me get this straight:

no one in America....except for bill fucking gates and warren buffet can afford to run for president on their own. This requires prospective presidents to ask rich corporations for $ to fund their presidential campaigns. So someone please tell me how America does not have a 'corporatist' economy. there is nothing in the country that is not controlled by american corporatism. Sure...we have a 'capitalist' economy where any joe schmoe with the right credit score could have the potential to own and run his/her own business...but really...who makes the decisions? Congress, the President, and the house.......mother fuckin bull shit 'checks and balances'. Corporations BUY these peoples loyalty. If I had as much money as Bill Gates (net worth: 56 BILLION $) I would offer one entire billions dollars to the current U.S. president to do whatever the fuck he wanted to. He would have no fear of losing potential donators to 'his cause' and whatnot. I understand this is obviously an incredibly niave aproach to the whole idea of 'having a president' and whatnot.

the thing is that american people think that the president of the united states has their best interests at heart. i dont think that has been the case since FDR.

the founding fathers never anticipated a country like what America has become. The constitution was written a very long time ago. I think the constitution is a great premiss for a potentially great government....but the founding forefathers who wrote it never contemplated an America with 300+ million people.

the idea that one man(woman) could possibly represent that many people is ludicrous. It's absolutely ludicrous.

I'm not educated enough to speculate on why historical governments fell (ROME, GERMANY) but it seems to be a pattern that reaching out to grab more land than you can handle is a form of kryptonite.

Greed runs America. Corporations run America.

If an American think that their votes count for anything more valuable than a pile of dogshit than I feel incredibly sorry for them.

My disdain for the system has made me feel like having children wouldn't even be worth it. People work their hands to the bone in America for decades for absolutely their companies can fire them to outsource their labor for a 10th of the cost? Disgusting.
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