(no subject)

Jun 11, 2009 12:45

Of course.. the night Anthony & I stay up til 4am talking about our futures the leaf blowing assholes outside decide to wake me up at 7am.  Sighh.  I hate apartments sometimes :[

There's so much debate going on right now that only time can tell. 
Con- In a way i hope i don't get called for an interview for the paraprofessional job, because working full time plus going to school full time would be really painful.. pro- but in a way i really like the benefit i get of having my weekends entirely to myself, which is something customer service just doesn't offer.  con- i am NOT a morning person, & waking up at 6am to get to work everyday, & having to stay up until 10pm when class is over would be completely tiring.  pro- but i would have a few hours to nap after work & before class.  con- still screwy with my sleep schedule.  pro- i'm fine on money, & there's no reason i shouldn't be able to get a paraprofessional job next year or something.  con- I might get frustrated working that long at something like that for years until i graduate.  con- I'd have to take one or two summer classes each year to stay caught up.  pro- Although this book One Child is really making me want to continue to persue in this career & start asap.  pro- a full time job at a school would give me really good insurance... good enough that i can afford a hearing aide.
If i don't get a call a week before the payment for my classes are due, i'm switching them over to earlier in the day.  I might also consider switching campuses.. it really depends what's going on.  I mean, i know it's really early in the relationship to tell, but we both agreed that we've spent more time together than most couples do in 6 months.  Except for this whole him being away for the summer thing that we're trying to work around.  Regardless of this paraprofessional job, i'm done with kmart by the end of summer.  I really enjoy working in apparrell, & men's wear is what i do best.  (in women's clothes i'm always tempted to go buy some new outfits :X i gotta avoid it).  So i might try looking for a job in Casual Male XL or Men's Wearhouse.
It really depends. i got a bit off track, but i might be moving in with Anthony.  Like i said, i've barely known him 2 months, but sometimes you just know things should be the way they are.  Re-reading over Katie's story with Jeff & moving in with him after a few months of knowing him is pretty enlightening.  My biggest fear is he'll get irritated of me sooner than later.  At this moment, moving in is definitely what i want the most.  But it wouldn't be til summer is over anyway.  (Oh, & the only rule about me moving in is that we get a new couch asap.) I want to talk it over more, save up some cash, & somehow ease it over to my mom after she bought a 3 bedroom house.
I'm still not really happy about how she bought a house that we'd be living in & i never even got to see it.. i mean.. it's weird to think.. this idea started back in March or April that we'd first buy some land over in Vail District area by her school since land is pretty cheap right now, & slowly build a house over the years & have it designed just how we wanted it.  It'd be a small house,  but with a big backyard.  She said i could get a goat or 2, chickens, a big dog, & other dream house pets i want :P
Actually come to think of it, this idea actually started almost a year ago when my mom said she wanted to open up her own bookstore business up in Flagstaff or somewhere pretty.  She wanted my brother to get a job at a bookstore so we could know the "secrets", but then he got his job as a programmer.  Which has 10x better pay.  & then she wanted me to get a job at a bookstore when i turned 18.. which i was considering.  But the plan was never really set stone;  i didn't take business school classes & we lost our interest in that idea.

Hmmm sorry this turned into a wall of text xD  it wasn't intended.  I should be packing my room since i'm down to 2 days to finish.. but i can't stay focused :| I work better under pressure & serious deadlines anyway.  Also all this dust is making me sneeze.

3 days til Vegas.  2 days til Anthony is in town.  A few hours before i have work & this week picks up again from my days off.

It's not so bad.  Really.  I know i complain a lot, it's fun sometimes.  But i have a great family, boyfriend, i know i can keep my head in the motivated field & have no doubt i can do what i want.  Complaining is fun, & sometimes anger & frustrations take over the good stuff, because for some crazy reason they tend to be stronger than bliss.  I've just gotta keep my head up & know that it's all good :]

Just talked to my mom some about taking classes... & now i'm thinking.. I bet i could graduate by the age 19.  I mean, it'd be really really tough, but i think i could do it.  That'd be probably 7/7/2 classes each year.  But since i only took 2 classes last semester it'd be even more tough.  Maybe by 20 i could.  Then i could do 6/6/2.  6 classes a semester wouldn't be bad.  Anthony & I already compromised with our studies: i'd help him with his acting & he'd help me with my math.  & that would definitely leer in for a move in with him since i'd want to be able to spend *some* time with him :P
why is there so much to think about :[[[
mmph.  I better get my mind out of the high stake future & get ready for work lol.  It's not easy having a competitive mindset.

"Come & play with me," proposed the little prince.  "I am so unhappy."
"I cannot play with you," said the young fox.  "I am not tamed."
"Ah! Please excuse me," said the little prince.  But, after some thought, he added: "But what does that mean?- 'Tame'?"

"It's an act too often neglected," said the little fox.  "It means to establish ties."
"'To establish ties'?"
"Just that," said the fox.  "To me, you are still nothing more than just a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys.  And i have no need in you.  And you, on your part, have no need of me.  To you, i am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes.  But if you tame me, then we shall need each other.  To me, you will be unique in all the world.  To you, i will be unique in all the world..."
... ...
"My life is very monotonous," he said.  "I hunt chickens; men hunt me.  All the chickens are just alike, & all the men are just alike.  And, in consequence, I am a little bored,  But if you tame me, it will be as if the sun came to shine in my life,  I shall know the sound of a step that will be different from all others.  Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground.  Yours will call me, like music, out of my burrow."

As quoted from The Little Prince in One Child.
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