hmm theres a large bump on my eyebrow! WaAaA!

May 24, 2005 13:02

hmmm... so im sitting in 5th period with Ogle (well obviously cause its not like i have anything else to do.... and i dont take time at home to write in this thing!) ANYWAYS! 3 months tomorrow for me and WicK! horray! that makes me sooo happy! i love knowing im with him! hes the absolutle best! YeP yEp! but yeah theres this large bump on my eyebrow and i dont know what it is.... it saddens me though cause i mean GOD! theres a bump on my eye brow! meh thats allright........ this is how we do? allrighty sorry it came on. YAAA! so heres the stich with me and Ogle. well one i love her and i miss so therefore were gonna hang out. and fortunatly for us we have friday and monday off this weeek and thats good so its a 4 day weekend! more time to hang out with her! hehehehe! yaaah so i think me ogle and michael are hanging out thursday at ogles.. then were comign back to my place and chillen! bahahah. then friday meh i duno we'll figure something out. so im glad my moms letting us hang out now. we sorta had a tlak last night about everything... meh drugs! sex! you know! and i pretty much got this out of her

- if ur gonna have sex use protection and let me know so i can put you on the pill.
-and two if ur gonna smoke pot dont do it enough so you get lead into other drugs.

yaah adn that was about it. so anyways. although i dont plan on having sex with Chad anytime soon we do talk about it quite often. and were not ready (im not) ha............ but yah oglys birthdays tomorrow and i sure hope she likes what i got for her! it took a while! muaahah! soo! i think in a few weeks me her and her mom are going to the south center mall! and the rainforet cafe! horray! i LOVe it there! hehehehe! mmmmhmm! but anyways! i dont really have too much to say besides.....

IM GETTING MY FUCKING BRACES OFF IN LIKE HMMM LESS THEN 6 WEEKS! yesss! im soo stoked! i hate braces! they bother me... meh! but yah i pretty much cant wait... allrighy well.....

I LoVE: lauren ogle, lauren parker, aubrei king, madi hayashi, michael potter, megan bachman, the game, the doors, KiSS, hahahahah wow i was gonna make a list of everyone i love but im too lazy sooo PeaCe!

-ALwAys! BrEezY!-
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