I love reading your posts. I never know what's going to be in them.
You've made some really great points in this. I've never used drugs (not even marijuana... and I didn't smoke my first, and only, cigarette until after I was 18), so all of this is second-hand. I think that addiction is both psychological and physical. It's not all one or all the other. I've seen people quit drugs by going into rehab and by going the cold turkey route (remind me to tell you about that another time. I don't feel like airing that shit all over lj.) I tend to agree with you that it's more psychological than physical. Now, I've never had a hangover. Ever. The only time I got sick after a night of drinking is when I was already nauseous to begin with, and then decided to drink anyway. Maybe this was because I told myself that I wouldn't get sick. And we're not talking give JoJo a few drinks and she says she's wasted. No, we're talking so wasted that I was drinking Jack straight from the bottle... and this was my first time drinking. Wait... you got a phone call from me that night, so you know how bad I was!
Now, I've seen cocaine users try to quit cold turkey... and the effects were not nice at all. I'm sure that they would argue that they were physically addicted to it... which, according to the above post, is not possible. Of course, these textbooks are not infallible.
You've given me some food for thought. I may comment again, when I'm not so tired and better able to formulate my thoughts. Happy early birthday, by the way!
You've made some really great points in this. I've never used drugs (not even marijuana... and I didn't smoke my first, and only, cigarette until after I was 18), so all of this is second-hand. I think that addiction is both psychological and physical. It's not all one or all the other. I've seen people quit drugs by going into rehab and by going the cold turkey route (remind me to tell you about that another time. I don't feel like airing that shit all over lj.) I tend to agree with you that it's more psychological than physical. Now, I've never had a hangover. Ever. The only time I got sick after a night of drinking is when I was already nauseous to begin with, and then decided to drink anyway. Maybe this was because I told myself that I wouldn't get sick. And we're not talking give JoJo a few drinks and she says she's wasted. No, we're talking so wasted that I was drinking Jack straight from the bottle... and this was my first time drinking. Wait... you got a phone call from me that night, so you know how bad I was!
Now, I've seen cocaine users try to quit cold turkey... and the effects were not nice at all. I'm sure that they would argue that they were physically addicted to it... which, according to the above post, is not possible. Of course, these textbooks are not infallible.
You've given me some food for thought. I may comment again, when I'm not so tired and better able to formulate my thoughts. Happy early birthday, by the way!
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