Mar 29, 2004 15:55
a gross thought that crossed my mind
"hmmm.i'm hungry.iwant some taco bell"
as sick as it may be i'm craving that
dog food shit.
here's a few words of wisdom from beeret:
"i hope everyone likes nicole's new lj-layout. the man, wait no, the legend you so happen to see a picture of just so happens to be my boyfriend. yes, it is true. yes, nicole is okay with it. 'no matter what she says to everyone else.' yes, we are getting married soon. 'not nicole and i, DARYL MUTHA-FUCKIN PALUMBO AND I!' yes, i know you are all jealouse of me, both you guys and girls. yes, i will stop typing now, especially sentences that begin with the word 'yes'. i love you all. even scooter james. well, not really. that was a pointless piece of criticism, but nicole said i could type whatever i wanted and for the respect of me it will stay put. besides, it was a mistake that i typed, but i am okay with mistakes, so it will stay put. we can all learn from our mistakes... right? anyway, i am really going now. here's some information for you on my leave: 'beautiful decay' is the best magazine the world may ever know. Also, go pick up the new 'eyedea&abilities' and 'murs' cd's that just dropped last tuesday. OKAY, honestly, if i thought, 'or nicole foe that matter', i was going to type this much, maybe i should get one of these for myself. SERIOUSLY, JESUS CHRIST. WHY AM I SO STUPID!?? WHEN WILL I LEARN TO SHUT-UP!?! I MEAN I TH.."
jesus h. christ
i said type a couple of words of wisdom brett
not a whole fucking book.