Norwegian Wood.

Apr 11, 2009 14:26

Yesterday was the greatest Sunday I've had in a long time.

I went to Justin's church with Angela. (The reason I went to his is because my church lost our place to hold church from lame reasons.) It was great to go and see a new place and meet new people. After church, we went to this diner and I honestly had one of the best breakfasts ever! It was so good. Later that night was the New Creation Concert. I was so happy with the turnout and so many people came that I invited! I was especially pleased to see Liana, Justin, and Alex. It meant so much to me that they came. The concert was great and hanging out after was even better!
(I have the videos that I made on the internet, if you'd like to view them just leave me a comment. They aren't my best but they are amazing stories of faith and love.)

After we went to Ruby Tuesday's for hours, we drove around and found a grand parking lot and played frisbee and football in the dark. Eventually, it was 2 a.m. and we all had to sleep and get up super early. It was still a great time.

This week was hard for me in school but I prevailed, very happy that I only have a month or so left. I kinda went nuts and dyed my hair twice this week, it is now really dark brown.
I also saw Brooke this week, it was so lovely to see her. We ate ice cream with Ian and watched the Office for hours. I love seeing her and we always have a blast. We are such twins.

Last night was an adventure, Justin called me and we grabbed Angela and went to Javapalooza. Then ended up going to New Britain to try and find this area we like to call "Midgetville" or the creepy place. It only took us about two hours when it should have taken thirty minutes. Nonetheless, we found the scary roads we were looking for and Justin nearly killed us leaving. I wish more people were with us and it wasn't raining so hard so that we can have another parking lot extravaganza night. Maybe next week... haha.

Tonight I am going to Northway Church in New York to check it out with my pastor and friends. We are basically becoming friends with one of the biggest and fastest growing churches in New England, and I have to pay attention to all the videography stuff they have. It should be a blast, aside from the long car drive.

I can't wait for Easter tomorrow, I think I will go to Justin's church again and then see my awesome family (meaning my hilarious cousins) and just celebrate a great holiday.

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