The sniffles are the worst.

Nov 29, 2008 11:38

My aunt has cancer again. Even though this is terrible news, I know she can pull through like she has before. Also, it actually causes my family to converse with one another and act like the care.
My cousins and I finally got to hang out, which is a big deal for me because they are all like six years older than me. We wanna get matching tattoos of our family crest together and I think it's sweet, to honor our family and our grandfather.

School is coming back at full speed on Monday and I am not looking forward to it. I haven't finished any work or started reading or studying. I need to write a ten page paper for English, write a paper about plays for drama, and start opening some textbooks I spent hundreds of dollars on. Right now.

I have the most wicked cold and I feel like nothing good will come of it and with all of this work, I feel so stressed.
But, for the first time in forever I didn't work and got to see a bunch of old friends. It was totally needed.
I saw Meredith yesterday and it was like she never left. I miss seeing her just about everyday and giving me the guidance I need. I miss her comforting smile and laid back effort.

In about two weeks I will be on vacation again and be done with this semester. I can't wait!

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