sleeping pill fueled rant.

Jan 05, 2009 02:56


Mad at the two in the other room. The screen is bending,   and so is the keyboard;

It[s[ rocking so the way to gert around it is to rock right al0ong with it. So we don’t get seasick.

I am mad at Kellen because we sleep together in bed it’s my favorite thing that I do everydasy.

But then when I went to go to bed like 10 minutess after he said too…. Rachel was there. And so I layed there but he was all knocked out on ambien, I don’t know if she was t0ooo but she didn’t wake up either.

Dude adult swim is not helping my brain

But yah I layed there for awhile in the tiny corner the4y gracioskly left me. And Kellen rolled backwards away, from me over to where she was spooning on him. And I got fed up and am now writing on the couch tripping out on the ambiens I took.

Three Cheers for spell checkers.

Anyway, I am hoping that sleeping on the couch will help him realize that I was less than okay with the sleeping arrangements.  A part of me wants to let it blow up farther than just them in the bed together, to, the fact that I know they’ve had a flirtatious relationship, and that she has feelings for him, regardless of what he’s said to her about not wanting to hurt me. Honestly, if they had both been honest with me from the very beginning, and said “Jess im flirting with Rachel/Kellen. How does that make you feel, lets pow wow it out. Kellen being like “I don’t want to hurt anyone” me being like “okay, the best way not to hurt me is to involve me. I respect Rachel, I like Rachel, I just don’t like the feeling of people going behind my back. Yes she and I didn’t know each other very well, and she spoke with Kellen more than she spoke with me. But for me, girl code should have been employed. “hey. How do you feel about Kellen and my relationship” to which I would have responded “well Rachel, do you have feelings for my boyfriend? Beyond that, do you have respect for me, and for our relationship? Can I trust you as a friend? Can I trust you as Kellen’s friend. When she and I have developed a friendship and mutual respect for each other, I will be much more comfortable with the touching and the cuddling and the everything.

I have now decided to add beer to my ambient trip//// so good luck to me/

Happy birthday to mE111

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