cross-posted to
ncisfanfic Title: A Night In
Author: smackalalala
Written for: honeycakehorse
Archive: Sure, just ask.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: “Probie.”
Genre: Slash
Pairings: McGee/DiNozzo
Word Count: 2,023
Disclaimer: Not mine, making no profit.
Prompt: McGee/DiNozzo, slash, just what did Tony do to keep Tim up until 3 am in Probie?... PG-13 or higher.
Summary: Tony shows McGee there’s more to him than meets the eye.
Author's Note: I had originally intended smut for this, but then a comment I made to my roommate prompted the ending, and I couldn’t resist. I hope you enjoy it! I wrote this for
ncis_ficathon awhile back & can cross post it now that the current ficathon has ended.
(A Night In)