Fic: Hit the Showers, rated FRT/PG13

Jun 20, 2011 00:20

Title: Hit the Showers
Author: harem_priestess
Pairing: Tony/Tim
Rating: FRT/PG13 for some language and adult(ish) themes, possibly too highly rated :)
Warnings: none
Summary: Something of a "between the scenes" for One Last Score, so you probably should be at least familiar with the episode, though hopefully it can stand alone for the most part.
Disclaimer: NCIS is not mine, never will be, though wouldn't that be awesome??
Author's Notes: Pertinent notes are with the story on my journal, just click the link. Also an entry for the Subtext challenge over on the NFA. Spoilers for OLS, obviously, and kinda sorta for Truth or Consequences, but super mild. Unbetaed, though gone over with a careful eye by your's truly.

Come on over and "Hit the Showers"!

genre: established relationship, author: harem_priestess, genre: episode related, rating: pg-13

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