Hi y'all,
Just wanted to start a little healthy discussion/debate about Tony's sexuality. Do you think he is Tim-sexual, bi-sexual, homosexual, pan-sexual etc? How do you factor his on-screen relations in regards to his sexuality, particularly Jeanne Benoit?
My thoughts are under this cut )
EDIT: Having said this I think its important to say I think Tony self-identifies as straight. Like any trait or title there are internalized social expectations that go along with it. To most people 'gay' is more than just a preference in sexual partners, it also allows for interpretation of behavior. True, you can be Jewish without being religious but it is assumed that you follow certain cultural mores. Same goes for being gay, bi, or straight. Calling oneself gay is likely to be reflective of a small amount of culture as well as sexuality. I cannot see Tony actively expressing himself in any way other than 'straight', regardless of his choice in partner, mostly because this is what he is comfortable with. For all his talk his personal life is likely a very stable, and elaborate, construction.
I think I'm done.
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