I fill the sink to the top with bubbles of soap

Oct 10, 2008 18:04

Hello everyone,

I want to apologise for not posting at all recently; my grandma's been really ill, I've had lots of college work and everything has generally just been quite hectic. I hope you're all okay though - I have been reading flists' posts, just not commenting.

My Grandma is in hospital at the moment - she's been moved into a side ward at the hospital so we know that things are serious. My dad and grandad have been staying with her overnight so everyone's a bit tired and depressed. Grandma is still with it though, she knows we're there and she does acknowledge us and talk to us. When my sister was with her she kept saying she was scared, though. I wish that she had the same faith as my Auntie Edith because then perhaps she wouldn't be scared. My Grandad believes that she'll be with Edith and her mum when she dies and I really hope that there is a Heaven, for his and for her sake. We've all been giving Grandad and Dad lots of cuddles and kisses to try to make them feel better, but they're both in horrible positions. It's difficult and draining for everyone - as my brother says, it reminds you of your own mortality so we have to all live life to the full. Cancer's a bitch, so make the most of everything in life. Don't associate yourself with people or things that make you unhappy because life is too short.

We've all been pulling together though, and Dad seemed a bit less depressed today though. I think he just needed to escape the hospital for a bit; it's all becoming a bit claustrophobic.

I'm also doing lots of college work at the moment. I somehow managed to still be doing 4 A levels - which is quite scary - so I have a bit more work than everyone else. History is going okay, I got a B in my first essay which was great but an E in my last one so my spirits where somewhat dampened. My teacher insisted he wasn't being mean, I just hadn't linked back to the question enough. Eurgh.

We're having a charity coffee morning at my college on Monday to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Nurses. We've had one before but now that I've seen how good the nurses are - with my Grandma - it seems even more important. Everyone is baking lots of cookies and cakes and we've stuck notices everywhere pointing towards the room so we hope to make lots of money.

Off to a wedding tomorrow which will be lovely. I'm only going to the reception but it means I get to see a close friend of mine in Leeds. She's doing a foundation art course and so is surrounded by arty, well dressed people like herself. It all sounds very exciting, I can't wait to see her and hear more about it. We've known each other since I was born and lived next door to each other for about 12 years so not seeing her for ages seems very strange.

In other news, I've got back into writing again. Trying to find time for it is the most difficult thing, but I'm getting there. I've written 5000 words of an H/D fic and I'm really enjoying writing it so I might post it at some point.. if I've written enough. I don't want it to be like any of my previous WIPs and just die halfway through.

Someone wrote a love story featuring Jesus and Hitler. Not funny, just offensive. The idea isn't funny and it wasn't event tackled well so, if you hear about it, don't believe the hype.

I'm loving playing the piano. I'm working towards my grade 8 exam (the last one, aah!) next year and I love my pieces. My sightreading  has finally improved - I actually passed that section in my grade 7 exam for the first time! - so I actually enjoy practising. I'm playing a piece by Piazzola that I am in love with, even though it kills my wrist because it's so fast. Yay, music! Exam falls just around my A levels though, which could be interesting. Still, I do have a year so it should be okay. *worries*

Facebook compare says that people think I'm one of the 'most organised' people they know. I don't know what they are thinking - maybe people don't know me as well as I think, lol.

Lots of love to you all,

school, writing, life, grandma, wedding, charity

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