Neville Longbottom

Jan 14, 2008 20:50

I just joined the most amazing facebook group in the world: Neville Longbottom is a BAMF.
Just so you know, BAMF stands for 'BadAss MotherFucker.'

It has a list of facts about Neville that people have submitted and they are actually hilarious.
I'll post them here and, if you get a chance, have a read cause they're really amusing.
I wont blame you if you don't read them all though cause there are loads.

Anyway, enjoy!

*Facts About Neville*

Chuck Norris' boggart is Neville Longbottom.
Neville urinates Felix Felicis.
--Demetriuous Lymon
If Grindewald and Voldemort were to get in a fight, Neville would win.
--Celia Quillian
Ozzy Osbourne bites the heads off of bats. Neville Longbottom bites the heads off of Hippogriffs.
--Andrea Spraycar
Neville is one-eigth centaur. This has nothing to do with bloodline; he once ate an entire centaur.
--Jamez McShane
Neville Longbottom sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled bad-ass wizarding ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Neville Expelliarmus'd the devil's ass and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play Exploding Snap every second Wednesday of the month.
--Callie Lawrence
The Sorting Hat is no longer used at Hogwarts; students are sorted based on how long it takes them to cry in the presence of Neville Longbottom.
--Brittany Niccum
When Harry and Ginny's children were conceived, Ginny was thinking of Neville. So was Harry.
--Peter Chainey
Voldemort didn't light the Sorting Hat on fire; the Sorting Hat combusted because it touched Neville Longbottom.
Neville Longbottom turned me full on gay.
--Anthony Rachal
Nicolas Flamel created the philosopher's stone. Neville Longbottom created Nicolas Flamel.
--Kayleigh Bosnick
Neville uses Nagini's blood as soy sauce.
--Matt Jacobson
If you spell "Neville Longbottom" in Scrabble, it's an automatic win.
--Kimberly Marie Golden
Harry's chest tatoo isn't a Hungarian Horntail, it's a portrait of Neville.
--Matthew McLaughlin
Bellatrix never actually tortured Neville's parents. She just threatened to kill their son and they laughed themselves into insanity.
--Nathan Corliss
Even though it was difficult getting four dragons for the Triwizard Tournament, the officials decided it was safer than the original plan of using Neville.
--Nathan Corliss
Neville Longbottom is the reason that the Cauldron is Leaky.
--Nathan Corliss
Muggles don't know about Lord Voldemort, but they do know about Neville Longbottom.
--Nathan Corliss
In kindergarten, Neville killed a Death Eater for Show and Tell.
--Mike Case
If Neville had a myspace, he'd have more friends than Tom.
--Heidi Moore
Originally, there was a spell called "Neville Longbottom" but when cast in a duel, both wizards would explode leaving nothing more than a smear of blood and a fraction of wand. They quickly changed this spell to the much weaker "Avada Kedavra."
--Rebecca Krznarich
Neville Longbottom doesn't bow to hippogriffs. Hippogriffs bow to Neville Longbottom.
--Carrie Wittmer
If you're looking for Neville on the Marauder's map, he's labeled "BAMF."
--Ben Mapa
Thestrals can only see Neville Longbottom if they've witnessed someone dying.
--Fridolin Heer
Neville became Head Boy AND Girl. No one dared comment.
--Melissa E
They said Dumbledore was the only man Voldemort was afraid of. They lied.
--Michelle Varner
They were going to release a Neville Longbottom edition of clue but the answer always turned out to be "Neville Longbottom, in the courtyard with a sword."'
--Kayla Yates
Dumbledore seriously considered calling it The Order of Neville Longbottom before he settled on The Order of the Phoenix.
--Carla Jimenez
King Leonidas and the 300 were Neville Longbottom's bitches.
--Ryan Figueroa
Neville Longbottom is what's beyond the veil.
--Suzi Ditman
Neville's blood has thirteen uses.
--Seth Just
Even phoenix tears won't cure wounds inflicted by Neville Longbottom.
--Erin Ouellette
Neville needs a remembrall not because he has a poor memory, but merely because he accomplishes too much to remember.
--Mandan Naderi
Neville's patronus is Neville, because nothing else is badass enough to represent him.
--Andy Weissler
Merlin got an Order of Neville, Third Class.
--Jamal Hill
Neville Longbottom created the Department of Mysteries when he got bored with making every damn discovery.
--Lance Sawyer
Someone once asked Neville if there was alien life out in the universe. Neville replied, "There used to be."
--Zack McAfee
When Severus Snape looks into Neville Longbottom's mind, he only sees a sword coming at his neck.
--Billy Garcia
Neville Longbottom cut off the Hog's Head. He was just practicing for Nagini.
--Chris Masterson
Neville is listed in "Fantasic Beasts and Where to Find Them" with a Ministry of Magic Classification XXXXXX. This classification was created specifically for Neville.
--Sharmin Abbasi
God first created man. Thinking He could do better, God created women. Then God created Neville Longbottom.
--Jeff Brunelle’s Beautiful Girlfriend
Neville Longbottom taught the Veela how to dance.
--Sarah Ferris
When Neville Longbottom golfs, he uses a snake for the ball, and a sword for the club.
--Chris French
Hogwarts no longer teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts, they just hand out Neville Longbottom masks.
--Kyle Boger
Trevor the toad never really escapes. Neville Longbottom sends Trevor hunting for other students' pets.
--Laura Maurice
Before Neville punched it, it was known as Horizont Alley.
--Alexander Nicholson
Neville Longbottom sectumsempra'd his way out of his mother's womb. Ever since, muggles have called this operation a "C-section."
--Blake Mundell
Neville Longbottom wears a Lethifold as a cape.
--Philip Brooks
When Neville uses the knight bus, he calls himself Harry Potter to avoid all the attention.
--Nora Stedman
It was once suggested that "Diagon Alley" be changed to "Longbottom Alley." The idea was almost immediately cast aside, because nobody crosses Neville Longbottom and lives.
--Chris Faria
Most people can slam doors. Neville can slam Floo powder.
--Katie Fontes
Neville's alphabet soup only ever contains four letters: B, A, M, and F.
--Nora Stedman
There is no Night and Day. Only Neville saying "Lumos."
--Victor Ryan
Neville Longbottom is often transported to the Room of Requirement, because the Room Requires Neville.
--Melissa O and her brother
When Draco Malfoy found out he was worth a whole 12th of Neville Longbottom, he cried for joy.
--Adam Dixon
The wizard prison was originally named after Neville - it used to be Bad-Asskaban.
--Cordi Morrison
When Neville Apparates, he doesn't move -- the rest of the world shifts according to his design. The fact that this causes disasters like the Asian tsunami to occur is of little consequence to Neville.
--Alexander Nicholson
The sorcerer's stone can give people immortality. Neville can take it away.
--Gavin Begg
Polyjuice Potion is only rationed because Neville got sick of losing all his bodily hair.
--Claire Stone
Voldemort and the Death Eaters were actually created in the Room of Requirement. Neville walked passed it 3 times thinking he needed some opponents who were not laughably pathetic in comparison to him. Some things, not even magic can do.
--Jason Taibi
They thought of making a Neville puppet for Potter Puppet Pals...but nobody makes fun of Neville Longbottom and wakes up the following morning.
--Mle Larkin
Followers of Voldemort are known as "Death Eaters." Followers of Neville Longbottom are know as "Death Eater Eaters."
--Jordan Smith
"Voldemort killed yer parents, 'arry", said Hagrid. "And then 'e came upstairs for you. O'course, what 'e didn't know wuz that they wuz babysitting Neville at the time..."
--Steve Cooper
Bound by the full Body-Bind curse, surrounded by Dementors and giants with his wand snapped in half, Neville Longbottom laughed to himself and said "I have them right where I want them."
--Michael Selleck
Originally, Professor Dumbledore was going to have Neville Longbottom guard the Sorcerer's Stone. But he couldn't figure out how to defeat him to get it back, so he went with plan B.
--Matt Allen
Neville was standing on the Vatican balcony with the Pope and someone said “Who’s that up there with Neville?”
--Shay Shay
Not to be outdone, after Mrs. Weasley took out Bellatrix, Neville brought her back to life and killed her again.
--Rachel Gilbert
Professor Quirrel didn't have to fake his stammer in Neville's presence.
--Chris Faria
Neville Longbottom listens to Mandrake cries on his iPod for entertainment.
--Simon Nicholson
Voldemort's Boggart is Trevor.
--Shafkat Hossain
To access the Marauder's Map, and Neville has to say is "I'm Neville Longbottom...bitch..."
--Giacomo Calabria
If someone replaced the Mirror of Erised with a picture of Neville Longbottom, no one would notice.
--Ann Jaworski
Neville uses different rules when playing Exploding Snap. When he starts to lose, he snaps, his opponents' heads explode, and then he takes their wands, galleons, and Chocolate Frog cards.
--Bobby Hart
Aberforth Dumbledore performs inappropriate charms on goats. Neville Longbottom performs inappropriate charms on whomever he damn well pleases.
--Anna Mecca
In the Department of Mysteries there is a door which is always kept locked. Behind that door the Unspeakables study the power of Neville Longbottom.
--Jordan Smith
“Well, you can't break an Unbreakable Vow...”
“I'd worked that much out for myself, funnily enough. What happens if you break it then?”
“Neville.” said Ron simply.
--Eliza Clarke
Basilisks are hatched from a chicken egg beneath a toad.
Trevor was hatched from a Hungarian Horntail egg beneath a basilisk.
--Katie Slivensky
Neville Longbottom gave Oliver wood.
--Becka Tapia
After Harry struggled to retrieve the horntail's golden egg, Neville went back for the rest of them for his daily protein shake.
--Erika Lindberg
Remus Lupin actually had nothing to do with the naming of the Shrieking Shack. It's just the place where Neville takes his dates.
--Christina Cozzetto
Voldemort can't really fly. He can only fall after Neville kicks him.
--Frederick Gonzalez IV
Neville made Chuck out of Mrs. Norris’ rib.
--Shishir Nair
JK Rowling originally wanted to write the books from Neville's point of view. Attempting this caused her permanent brain damage.
--Andisha Sabri
When Neville and Fleur walk side by side, all of the boys stare at HIM.
--Derek Siegel
Cho Chang wasn't crying because she missed Cedric. She was crying because she was with Harry, and not Neville.
--Francesca Butler
When neville was sorted, there was no house yet called ‘Badass McGee's Pimp Crib', so they stuck him in Gryffindor.
--Nathaniel B.
Neville Longbottom turned Dumbledore gay.
--1/3 of this group’s members
Neville had to confund the Goblet of Fire NOT to pick him.
--Jacob Yum
Neville's favorite in-flight movie is Snakes on a Plane.
--Colleen Deitrich
Only Neville is allowed to use first year Gryffindors and Slytherins as Christmas decorations.
--Samantha Whipps

Hee hee.

harry potter, random posting, neville

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