Jan 04, 2005 17:22
Not feeling too spunky, however, today really was a good day. For the first time concert choir didn't totally suck, even though McGowan totally made us sing and act out the 12 days of Christmas...dork.
PS guess who's going to Africa ?! I cannot believeeeee I get to go. Granted there is always the chance that it might get cancelled/moved back again (it was originally supposed to be this month, but they weren't ready for my aunt to teach the class yet). I'll (hopefully) be going to Cape Town in South Africa and Zambia. It hasn't really sunk in that I'm going to two different countries...and not like, England another country, like...one country where I will be one of probably 3 white people I see, and another country where I'll be below the Tropic of Capricorn...aka RULL south. The flights alone are about 20 hours each, and the flight between South Africa and Zambia is probably about 5-8 I'm guessing. That, and I'm flying into Zambia, a country that doesn't have flights out every day...that's so weird. Ah. I'M GOING TO EFFING AFRICA.