what a cute little stoner...

Nov 03, 2005 10:06

Im bored off my ass right now. I'm in the nys museum 7th floor and im supposed to be doing research on "the effects of divorce on children." I really should be hauling some serius ass on this project/ research paper thing but since Krystal can't figure out how to use their "extensive archives" shits just gonna have to wait.

I'm not in a very good mood right now. I have chapped lippeds and im extremely hungry. My hands hurt just because its cold. and I have pimples all over my face.

I wonder if I'm breaking any of the rules on the long list they gave us. oh well. I want to update but I don't know what about
oh yea, so michael called me last night and is like...YO WHATSUPGUESSWHATITOOKTHEMANAGERJOBWOOOOHOO!!and im like...you called me to tell me this? and hes like nah nigga actually i wanted to know if you wanted to work tomorrow.and i was like...hmm...well...i can't cuz my ass has play practice. speaking of which we finished the third act. it just all needs to come together now.

but yea so school sucks. guys suck. i hate life. Saturday I wanna do stuff but can't SINCE I FUCKING WORK.
junior boys are gay. college drop outs with no job and no money and NO CAR are gay.
damn I will never find a guy that can compare to my hot shit. jesus christ why do I care.
I haven't applied to any colleges yet. I wrote a monologue im thinkng of posting on here later that I think I'm gonna put in my portfolio. Its called...
"Uncle Cadwallader" Its about this bad kid who does bad stuff and his mom dies and his dad starts drinking all the time and talking to this weird ass painting of some guy from the revolutionary war and his dad goes psycho and then the kid realizes he needs to stop being bad and stuff because his dad needs him so in the end he decides to clean up and join the army.
it'd be cool if I could actually write it into a play.
but since i have no motivation to do so the last paragraph was kinda pointless.
but when we start writing our 1 act plays Im gona bust out with some shit.

Or I may just do it in my free time. which is never. because im so lazy BUT IM DAMN WELL GONNATRY.
the story was gonna be about a brother and sister separated by a war or something and after the war is over they live in separate countries and shit and when they go off to college they end up meeting each other but they don't know they're brother and sister and stuff and they end up havin sex and then they realize shes pregnant with the antichrist and the whole story is just supposed to be about their fucked up relationship and how they cope with being long lost bro and sister and trying to reconnect as that after all these years and then actually BEING IN LOVE and the whole fucked up twistedness of the two combined. Im a genius you know i am. But then the son grows up within like the matter of a month and is like 20 or something and its weird and stuff and then the brother and sister don't know what to do becuase hes gonna destroy the world.
yea thats not gonna end up a 1 act play. and I have a feeling its gonna end up sounding like Constantine and this old movie I think called Roses child or something its mad old its about this chick who has the antichrist and everyone wants to kill her baby.

Jesus christ what time is it i need a cup of coffee I've been sitting in this musty ass library for like 20 minutes too long. if even that.
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