May 23, 2004 21:04
Today i went to knotts berry farm with my one and only higgle! yeah we went there and went on all the big rides.... ghostrider, motazumas revenge,boomerang,etc. on out search for sum hotties we were walking and saw this guy whos f**kin WOW. so yeah we follow him and start talking to him and i say that he looks just like this guy names tommy and then he says that his name is thomas! it was really weird. so yeah hung out with them for awhile and then we left and i saw a hot skinhead but yeah i think he was gay... oh well.. he was still hot. and then this mexican couple was like making out behind us and me and jessica got to sit there and listen to it... FUN! and then there were these asian kids talking about what kinda of rice they like
haha funny stuff right there! and then this old man was like huming right behind us and jessica starts laughing. and this little black kid called his dad a jew haha sry i jsut had it in my head but yeah that was funny.... but yeah overall had a really good day!~ toodles 1466!
~p.s~id like to share this letter that i got last year for my birthday:
well weve known eachother soo long that i know this is no where close to the end cuz we didnt work this hard for our friendship for it to end after 11 years. i hope that we continue to be the best of friends until were old and and wrinkly and married to the love of our lives. u are such a great person and you always have been a beautiful girl and if anyone tells u different ill have to kick their
hehe im sure she could! well yeah i just wanted to share that with you and tell u that, things change.