So I umm HATE finals.....

May 23, 2005 17:11

Today school was pointless. We had most of our classes and did nothing in them, then we had our 7th period final....PreCalc. It was soo hard, and I actually studied for it. She hasn't graded them yet and she tells us there is going to be a curve. Ok, if you kno it's hard, why not make it easier and have no curve?? That's ok, I need an 82 to get an A overall and a 32 to get a B overall. Without the curve I think I got a 60 something. Hopefully!!!

The rest of my exam days are easy.

2mrw I have English and Ceramics. English we get to use a 3 by 5 index card front and back with w/e we want written on it. Ceramics we get to use our whole review packet.

Wed I have health and physics. Health is so easy come on now, it's common sense. Physics he made our exam really easy being that we only have 5 ppl in my class b/c the seniors are gone and we're his only regular physics class. All we have to do is find some stuff out about a golf ball which we went over how to do exactly.

Thurs I get to go in late b/c I aide and I don't have an exam in that and then I have my driver's ed exam after that. I don't get why we have a driver's ed exam, it should just be our driving test so then I would get like a 96 or something like that and not have to go to school on the last day but no.
I guess I'm glad I got precalc done and over with but it still sucked.

Today I came home and I was so tired I slept for a couple of hours then I studied some for english and made my index card.

I'm thinking of getting my hair cut, but I'm not sure if I should or not.....lemme kno what you think even tho most of you reading this haven't seen me since I came back to NJ, but ya kno what I look like with long and short hair.

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