Nov 22, 2009 11:44
Did I read the Twilight "Saga" ? Yes, I did.
Did I watch Twilight? Yes, I did.
Did I watch New Moon? Yes, I did.
I watched it on the internet, because I can't be bothered going to a movie with a bunch of prepubescent retards who laugh at everything, and scream over a man without his shirt on. I also can't be bothered to waste 10 bucks on something I know is going to suck.
So Twitards, guess what? Your movie didn't fail to disappoint me, because it did indeed suck.
If you want a movie that doesn't follow the book (hey, can you guys read?), has "actors" that overact every scene, and has the most ridiculous story line ever to involve vampires, then this movie is for you.
If you actually like movies that follow books, actors that actually earn the big bucks by acting well, and vampires that don't sparkle, don't see New Moon. Or do what I did and watch it in the comfort of your own home, in privacy, where you don't have to worry about running into your friends who are seeing a more intelligent movie on the same night.
I didn't think New Moon could be any worse than Twilight. I remember watching Twilight for the first time and almost peeing my pants from laugher at the first words Edward spoke. He sounded like an Indian man in an ESL class.
New Moon is, in fact, worse than Twilight. The acting is downright horrible. They made Alice into a southern California valley girl. Jasper had a total of 3 lines in the whole film. Nothing about the other Cullens was emphasized, it was only about Edward and Bella's struggle in a Romeo and Juliet-esque relationship. Snooze-fest, unless your into teenage angst and emo-ness.
Twilight sucks. Period. The End.
writer's block