Jul 15, 2006 21:59
umm last night sucked.. a lot. What ended up happening was i left work early cause i started to get a feeling of vertigo. I know it rarely happens, but when it does it is so bad and i know it comes in stages. So as soon as i started to get shiort breathes and feel wobbly i sat down and just focused on not moving position. So i got out of there before it got real bad. seriously i drove hiome and the second i got in i ran upstairs and collapsed in the bathroom hanging over the toilet. i was there for about 1/2 hr. until mommy got back and helped me into bed. I seriously coudlnt even stand up i was so weak and dzzy. the last time it happened in schiool she had to come get me and drag me into the car. i don't even know what brings it on which is the worst.
so i lied down praying to get better by the night cause i wanted to go to bryans party so much esp. since hes leaving for a week. If anything could have got me out of bed it would have been that.. but i just couldn't move position. i sat staring at the wall for hrs. crying cause i couldn't even sit up let alone go to a party. i felt so sick. i kept shaking and i had a fever. freaking terrible. im the worst when im sick. i just want to be taken care of. well i took a lot of meds and went to sleep.. i woke up at 4 in the morning when i got a text and i still felt sick at the time. So i tried to go back to sleep again and i ended up waking up today feeling somewhat better.
i was able to get out of bed to eat at least and walk around. Mommy and grammy took me out to lunch and after shiopping for ashleys baby.. but i couldnt even take that. i had to go hiome and go back to sleep. so i slept all day, watched movies, then had dinner. mom and dad picked me up and we saw you, me, and dupree
that movie was soooooooooo funny. idk daddy thiought it was better than wedding crashers. idk it was pretty damn good. def had lines in it that are keepers. He had this best man logo on his best mans outfit for the wedding. it said BM with a this lightening boly through it. Then he used it later on in the movie like he was a super hero. there was this whiole thing about 7 different kinds of smoke.. one was.. guy in chair.. idk i cant explain it, the movie is just great. Then he said he was going camping.. and by that he meant he was jerking off.. aka pitching a tent. im def going to go see it again.
right now im going to watch law and order, go to sleep, and see what tomorrow brings. peace