So yeah, I returned the laptop and finally got the new one yesterday! So far it feels right and the resolution is soooo much better. I mean, what's the point of spending minutes and hours downloading ts. files if I can't watch them in ts?!
But with a new laptop means I'm starting over with setting up including getting all my apps back... apps to convert vids, unzip files, make gifs, play/download weibo vids plus getting all those vids and mag scans I couldn't get since last July so.... yeah.
But yeah, fandom is pretty quiet these days. Tame Tabi is still around but that's just it... no group announcements and time is going. Buuut I'm not freaking out yet, just a bit disappointed... I mean, their anniversary is next month and they still haven't announced anything and will most likely make a rushed announcement...
I also wondered if the coronavirus has something to do with these announcements esp Kame and Yamapi's concert... I mean, normally many fans travel over from China which now isn't happening plus even without fans coming from abroad, having everyone rammed into a venue shouting isn't the best right now... last week, I went to GACKT's concert which is a small venue but I was still a bit concerned.
Anyway, if they release even a single, I'd be happy... for now XD
Anyhow, let's wait!