
Apr 26, 2003 22:32

Please fill this out :)- When did we meet ( Read more... )

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gcsxri0tgirl April 25 2003, 19:41:58 UTC
- When did we meet? Hmm i think through ashley T
- What is my best quality? EVERYTHING
- What is my worst quality? hmmm..nothing
- Have we ever talked on the phone? Almost everyday =)
- Have you ever seen me cry? ov course
- Have you ever seen me dance crazy? yes lol the other day in fact...
- Describe me physically and mentally: Mentally...your so goofy and funny, and physically your pretty =) your hair is the rainbow :-D
- What is the best memory you have of me? omg grace we have thousands!
- What is the worst memory you have of me? Um...i don think i have one..
- Have we ever gotten in a fight? i think only Two, even though the lil arguement we got in , i really consider it a fight it was just a disagreemtn
- If you could give me a present, what would it be? Anything you want
- Would you hug me? yup
- Would you kiss me? yup
- What do you REALLY think of me? Your the greatest friend ever
- Whats the coolest rumor you heard about me? Um, i dont think there was ever any rumors about you.
- Do you trust me? ov course..all of my <3
- Would you trust me with your girlfriend/boyfriend? Yes of course
- Do you know something about me that no one else knows? yupp
- Do you even know how old I am? 15 yrs, and 24 days old lol.
- Anything you wanted to tell me but never got a chance to? I cant think of anything right now.
- Do you love me? Very very much <3


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