Aug 12, 2005 13:14
you can't look me up and down and say you know me inside and out. you can't see the way i dress and tell me i'm this or i'm that. and assume that the whole package is what i am. i'm not a genre. im not a class. i don't have style, i don't have character, that falls in a catagory.
i don't quote you songs, just to see if you know what they are. i don't give out tests, i don't pick friends over what bands they can list. i don't hate when you try too hard, i justroll my eyes and look away. i don't have to try hard to get the attention i want, i get it, even if it takes a few minutes or days.
i'm a lot more tempermental than you might think. i never liked to lose friends, but when i catch my best friend in a third, fourth, fifth lie to my face. it's over. i don't care how much history we've had together, i don't care how much you love me, i don't care how many habits you need to break. friends means friends. and friends means don't lie or or steal or persuade.
when i say "i just want to be friends" i mean i want to be friends. and i'll call you over and over until you get the point. i'll ask to hang out the night after i told you, you weren't worth the time. i'll kiss you goodnight, call it a friendly gesture, and laugh at you when you get embarrassed.
i don't make things awkward. i don't believe that relationships ruin friendships. but relationships suck, for the most part. i don't think getting married at 18 is the wisest decision, but i don't frown upon it. i think getting a tattoo in a hurry, picking something randomly out of a book, is quite possibly the dumbest thing ever. i think initals over your heart of the person you love, is the cutest sign of affection next to rubbing noses.
i don't believe in abortion, and i know that rape is never the victims fault. but sometimes i'd like to slap the victims right in the face. i think getting in a fight with a police officer when pulled over is rather idiotic and i probably won't ever get along with you if you do this. i hate catch phrases that are overused, especially when i can't get them out of my head. i hate people who lie to me, tell me they love me, and dissappoint me.
i am in love. and i've decided to stay that way.
i have money to spend, and i am easily persuaded to spend it. i am compulsive. i act on impulse. i'm not extremely friendly with people my age. i'm not very lady like. i laugh at my own jokes, and i can make the best french toast ever.
ice pops are the worlds greatest invention. the white ones.
i've done a lot more stupid things than you, and i don't have any excuse, because i was always sober, always awake, always aware of the consequences,
i'm not religious, but i am appreciating it more and more, as time passes. people with acne can make me cringe. not the people, but the acne.
i'm not very family orientated, in the strict meaning of the term. i do very well on my own. i hardly sleep at all.
everyone has always said "you wont do this." or "you wont do that." "you'll never leave this place." "you'll never get that." and look. i'm chalk full of pride. and insecurties.
i bet you'd think i had self respect, dignity, self control, high self-esteem. but i lack a ton. i criticize myself a lot, and every second, more than you'd ever expect.
sometimes i look at myself and i don't recognize who i am. i don't really think i am gorgeous, beautiful, or graceful. anything of that sort. sometimes i'll admit i'm cute, i'll admit, i'm clumsy, and i do alot i don't even mean.
i don't go along with the crowd, but i usually don't speak up.
and music does save.