[ mood|
slightly intoxicated]
So cut me some slack here ok. It's Fourth of July. I'm celebrating my countries independence, and it hits me. Fuck you. haha. yeah thats right. Fuck you. This is my damn declaration of independence.
I hold this truth to be self-evident. I dont need you. Especially if you're going to feed me and everyone else a line about needing to be single and then start dating her. I would also like to make clear that i do not hate her. I just find it amusing how predictable you really are. You are exactly where you are a year ago. Unlike most people who grow and learn from the past, you keep repeating it...with different people. The list of your transgretions only deepens with each passing day.
You lied. And that's all there is to it. The last two years you have lied to me. And for that, you will never be forgiven. I do however forgive you for putting the blame on me, as i assume it is simply because you are lost. But i will not forgive your lies. Not lies that run that deep.
I have finally come to realize that people abandon you, promises obviously mean nothing, and that "love" is nothing more then a word to some people.
However, this is not enough for me and i am determinded to find truth and honesty in SOMEONE on this damn planet.
So this is my declaration. My freedom. My hope for a better tomorrow. My hope that i will find someone who understands that running away is not the answer and that fighting can really be worth it.
I am worth it damnit and if you cant see that then you can go to hell.
Because you're obviously not worth it anyways.