Miss Mopeypants

Oct 20, 2008 21:08

A list of unhappy happenings:
- my granny had another heart attack (she's fine and has been released, but she has angina and her living alone is way scary.)
- I lost my toothbrush (don't worry I so already got another one gah-ross)
- I haven't seen my twinface or Stefi in daysss.
- I probably don't have a job any more.
- I have to deal with school money bullshit .. AGAIN.
- I'm out of wine.

These gray days make me uneasy and with Winters rapid approach I'm clinging to Summer and reeling when the sad songs flow from my IPod. This seasonal depression bullshit is so unfair because in all honesty I'm happy. I'm feeling things I never thought I would again from a boy I never expected it from. I like his life and the way I fit into it .. I like that with him I still have mine. He's protective, but not consuming. Powerful, but not over-powering. He loves my ups and the way they pull him along, and I love my spot in the passenger seat of his car, driving back and forth between each new personality. I got drunk with his friends last night. I like them and they're apprehensive. Holding me at a distance, reminding me that they're hand could easily slide away from the friendliness of a handshake to a dispondant cold shoulder. My mother and I are getting along for now. Her new life suits her, although I still don't feel a part of it. They're trying and so am I, but it's so hard to fit myself into all this "well put together". I don't even know if it will last. My mothers past makes it hard to look to the success of her future with anything but skepticism.

I'm moving home.
I need to work.
I wonder if there are any cookies left ...
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