As cute as this photo is, it probably marks one of the last days I had my life in some sort of order.
Everything's falling apart. I'm homeless again. I feel like the world is ending for me. I honestly don't think I'll ever succeed. I'm probably failing again this semester. If that happens, I can't ever go back. Ever. They'll take away my financial aid for good. Everything's a huge mess. I just want to rip up everything I own, throw it all out and start over. Can't I just start over? My land lord came this morning to scream at me about rent, which I'm not going to pay. You can't survive October in Virginia with no heat pump. It's been broken for months. I have to get ready. Our play opens Thursday. Another silly thing I've invested time in that will have little to no reward. Things aren't adding up, and I'd give anything to pull him of of the ground.