Jeepers Creepers

Feb 13, 2003 22:58

Hi yaz
here is my update
I am sick as a DOG
ean is in galvanting all over Europe.
I called my other brother brandon today, I said that I had off the weekend of the 22nd and if I could go to p-town and hang out for the weekend and he said prolly not hahahahah. It was funny. grrrrrr brant grrrrrr.
My Dad is the smartest person I have ever met. He helped me study for an ethics exam and he knew the whole text book. It made me realize that I have.0005 % of his brain
I hate school like mad. There is mad south philly W-stez that say BECAAAAUSSSE oh my God I can't take it.
Sam the man Framo came in to my store on Weds night. he was killing me. He went off quoting andrew dice clay at all times
" My wife wants to go out for V-day, she wants me to give her something. All I am going to give her is some @&*# on her ass"
. whats dose that mean sam??????? He was killing me we talked for about an hour in my store. He go's "let me tell you something erik, when I walk into your store I just think....drugs . I died, we are hanging out in 2 weeks. this is the worst update yet, but am sick
miss yaz ean, brent and brant
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