My Babies!

Dec 07, 2003 13:41

this is my youngest baby, muttley! he was like 5 months old here! isnt he cute??? ignore my injured toe in the corner of the pic...LOL

this is my oldest baby, KC. I dont know how old he was here, but isnt he PRECIOUS!!???

so yea. this weekend was fun. Fri i went to the grove with my cousin and my mom, did some xmas stuff. Then my cousin slept over and took me to the 3rd street yesterday (she's 18 so she can drive). we did a lot xmas more shopping!!!!

Jaime met us there and then my couisn took us all back to jaimes house, and my cousin left for longbeach where she's going to skool. my mom piked me up from jaimes and was gonna drop me up @ barraks for a while but that didnt work, so we went to MEGANS house for a while. i love that girl! we havent been as close this yr and it was good to catch up and have her open up to me again!! hehe

ps. i hope all my friends had fun w/out me (again) yesterday
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