Who wants a twig when you can climb a whole tree?

Mar 22, 2008 03:59

This might be my favorite icon ever. :-) Severus is a huge perv. Totally and fo' shor'.

Right. Why can't life be like the movie Hairspray. Well, like the end of the movie Hairspray so that the racial thing isn't such an issue, because no one wants to go back to that. The new one I mean, in case anyone is confused. Zac Efron and I would look so good together.

I never have anything I want to say. Kelly and Chrissy are home for the weekend. Warren was home for over a week last week. That was amazing. We had so much fun. He's totally going to marry my cousin, if Cali decides to make gay marriage legal, or civil unions or whatever the hell they're debating right now. My cousin Johnny lives in LA and he was just here to visit the same weekend Warren was home. They're a perfect match. It's so adorable but kinda sad, since they're on separate sides of the country. And the fact that Johnny has a vegetarian boyfriend right now. We'll find a way to fix it though, because two people who are so suited to each other have to get together. It's like, the law.

Blech. I should not have eaten that WAWA macaroni's. But then again, it was probably actually worth the slight tummy ache I have. The macaroni's almost always are.

This entry is basically a whole bunch of nothing. If you've made it this far then you deserve a cookie or something.

HANSON IS GOING BACK ON TOUR!!!! The second leg of The Walk tour kicks off soon. I already have tickets for Lancaster, Allentown, and Sayersville NJ. I might get more. It's an addiction. I was hoping to have my Hanson tattoo by the next time they came around but it looks as if that's not going to happen. I don't want to get the tattoo until I'm sure I'm not going to loose a lot more weight. Not that I've really lost any yet, but I want to and I'm semi-working towards it. As soon as the weather gets nicer I'm going to get a bike. And Aunt Gail and Uncle Jeff just bought and elliptical machine, so it should get much easier since I'll be able to exercize. My Dad wants to join LA Fitness, but I hate how they have all the machines lined up by the huge windows. I'd never want to work out with my ass in workout shorts in the middle of some window where people driving by can see. That is totally not ok.

Family vacation is coming up in May. I can't wait. I love going away with my family, but I just wish we went to spots where there is more to do/more people my age. We go to St. George Island FLA, and while it's very beautiful and peaceful and fun, it just doesn't have anywhere to meet people my own age. Not that I'm ever bold enough to venture out on my own and meet people at bars or clubs or anything, but I'd like it if there was a place I could go if I felt so inclined. I'd also like it if the rest of the family didn't start drinking at 8AM and pass out just after dinner. I'm a night owl, so I spend most of the vacation alone because I hate getting up early and I hate sand even more. But it's still fun, so I'm excited to go. And the beach is going to be fun this year (even though I hate the sand) because Angelina will be like 1 1/2 and Johnny 2 1/2. I'm hoping to take some really good artsy pictures on the beach and sunset and stuff with the kids. Hopefully I'll figure out how to charge the camera I got for my birthday by then.

That's it for now. I'll probably have something crazy to talk about tomorrow before dropping off the face of the earth again for a month or two. :-)
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