Jan 09, 2009 22:27
Questionnaire #1 - The Basics
1. Your Name
My name is Naoko Noelle Kendall.
2. Your age
I am 20 years old.
3. Describe yourself
A student attending Countshire University.
4. Describe your mate (if applicable)
I have no mate.
5. Where (and when) do you live?
I presently live in the Eir dorms of the university.
6. What's your favourite sweet? (It is so a basic!)
... I think fruit parfaits taste good.
Questionnaire #2 -- Favourites
What is your favourite...
1. Season? Autumn.
2. Food? Curry...maybe...
3. Animal? I like them all...
4. Colour? Green...?
5. Time of day? I do not have a favorite time of day.
6. Weapon? I do not wield a weapon.
Questionnaire #3-- Background
Tell us about...
1. Your place of birth. It is a busy place.
2. Your childhood. It was uneventful.
3. Your parents. My father and mother work for electronic companies.
4. Your siblings. I have no siblings.
5. Your (current) home. It is a dorm. I live with a girl named Xiao Mei.
6. Your favourite "hang out". I do not have a favorite "hang out."
Questionnaire #4-- Skills
1. Can you read? Yes.
2. Can you write? Yes.
3. Can you sing? I do not know.
4. Can you play an instrument? No.
5. What languages do you speak? Japanese and English.
6. What weapons can you use? None.
Questionnaire #5-- Secrets
1. Are you good at keeping secrets about yourself? I do not know.
2. What is your best kept secret? I do not know.
3. What is your worst kept secret? I do not know.
4. Are you good at keeping secrets about others? I have not kept secrets for others.
5. What secret about someone else have you kept and wish you hadn't? I have not kept secrets for others.
6. What secret about someone else have you not kept and wish you had? I have not kept secrets for others.
Questionnaire #6-- Sex
1. Are you a virgin? Yes.
2. Do you mate for life? I do not know.
3. Who was your first lover? (or, if you are a virgin -- Who would you like your first lover to be?) I do not know.
4. Who is your current lover? I have no current lover.
5. What is your favourite sexual position? I have none.
6. What are your kinks? I have none.
Questionnaire #7 -- Best and Worst
1. What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you? I am not sure.
2. What's the best thing that's ever happened to you? ... I am not sure.
3. Who is your worst enemy? I do not know.
4. Who is your best friend? I do not have a best friend.
5. Tell us about your worst kiss. I have not kissed.
6. Tell us about your best kiss. I have not kissed.
Questionnaire #8 -- Mornings
1. What time do you wake/get up? Six AM.
2. What's the first thing you do upon waking? I wash my face.
3. Are you a morning person? ... Yes?
4. What is your typical morning like? My typical morning is to get ready for school.
5. Do you drink coffee? No.
6. Do you need coffee? I do not think so.
Questionnaire #9 -- Are you?
Are you...
1. Smart? Not much.
2. Arrogant? I do not think so.
3. Good-looking? I am not sure.
4. Sexy? I doubt this.
5. Capable? In certain things.
6. Dangerous? No.
Questionnaire #10 -- Marks
1. Do you have any scars? Yes.
2. Do you have any piercings? No.
3. Do you have any tattoos? No.
4. Do you have any other markings? No.
5. Do you wear any jewellery? No.
6. Have you ever broken any bones? Yes.
Questionnaire #11-- Grab Bag
1. What is your favourite mode of transportation? Walking.
2. Can you cook? Yes.
3. Do you have big feet? No.
4. What is the square root of 169? ... I think it is 13.
5. If you could change your name to anything you wanted, what would you change it to? I have no desire to change my name.
6. What is the sound of one hand clapping? ... I do not know.
Questionnaire #12 -- Rituals
1. Do you believe in a higher power? I have not given it much thought.
2. Do you belong to a formal religion? No.
3. Do you have any religious rituals? No.
4. Do your people have any sort of coming of age ritual? Yes.
5. Do you have any personal rituals? ... Getting ready for the day?
6. Do you have any sexual rituals? No.
Questionnaire #13 -- Your lover
If you do not have a lover/mate/significant other/spouse, please answer the questions about your best friend.
1. How long have you been together?
2. What do you like to do together?
3. What do you do to make your lover happy?
4. What do you do even though it upsets your lover?
5. If someone was going to meet your lover for the first time, what one thing would they need to know?
6. What's your absolutely favourite thing about your lover?
I do not have a lover or a best friend.
Questionnaire #14-- If you were...
If you were a _____ what would you be?
1. A metal. I do not know.
2. A plant. I do not know.
3. A fault. ... Without knowledge.
4. A virtue. ... Quiet.
5. A colour. Grey...
6. A season. Winter...
Questionnaire #15 -- What is your most distinctive...
What is your most distinctive...
1. Physical feature? There have been remarks about my hair.
2. Physical mannerism? ... I am not sure.
3. Character trait? ... Quiet.
4. Turn of phrase? ... I do not understand.
5. Pet peeve? ... Cruelty to animals...
6. Habit? I do not know.
Questionnaire #16 -- Wants
1. What's one place you've always wanted to go? ... I would like to go to Korea.
2. What's one thing you've never been able to do? ... "Get along" with others.
3. What one thing have you always wanted to learn but never have? ... Sewing...
4. What's one thing you've always wanted to do and never have? Visit Korea.
5. What's one thing you've always wanted to have but don't have? ... A pet.
6. Who do you envy? ... I do not think I envy anyone.
Questionnaire #17-- Animals
1. Do you like animals? Yes.
2. Which animals don't you like? ... I cannot think of any.
3. Do you hunt? If so, for food or pleasure? No.
4. Do you eat meat? Yes.
5. Which animal do you most closely identify with? ... I do not know...
6. Which animal do you most closely identify your mate with? I have no mate.
Questionnaire #18-- Superstitions
1. Are you superstitious? ... I suppose. Somewhat.
2. What is your most embarrassing superstition?
3. What is your most strongly held superstition?
4. Do you believe in the devil? I am not sure.
5. Do you believe in karma? Perhaps.
6. Do you carry a talisman/lucky charm/etc.? Yes. My parents bought one for me for the New Year.
Questionnaire #19 -- Either Or
1. Country or City? Country.
2. Water or Alcohol? Water.
3. Black or White? White.
4. Day or Night? Day.
5. Pain or Pleasure? Pleasure.
6. Life or Death? Life.
Questionnaire #20 -- Fear, pain and loss
1. What are you afraid of? ... People.
2. How do you deal with your fears? ...
3. Why did you cry most recently? ... A person that helped me "died."
4. What was the worst pain you've experienced? ... Maybe when that person was confirmed "dead."
5. What is the worst injury or illness you've experienced? Broken bones.
6. What do you most dread losing? I do not know.
Questionnaire #21 -- Christmas and New Year's version
1. Do you celebrate a winter solstice type holiday and if so, which one? Yes. I celebrate Christmas and the New Year.
2. Do you believe in Santa Claus? Kris Kringle? Hern the Hunter? The Ice Fairy? Someone else associated with the holiday? ... No.
3. Do you like giving gifts? I think so...
4. What's the best gift you've ever given someone? I do not know.
5. Do you like getting gifts? ... I think so.
6. What's the best gift you've ever gotten? ...
7. Do you mark the coming of the New Year in some way? Yes.
8. Are you making a new year's resolution? If so, what is it? To try my best.
9. Have you made resolutions in the past? No.
10. If so, which was the most successful?
11. If so, which was the least successful?
12. If you could make a completely fresh start, would you? I do not know...
13. If you had no choice and were making a completely fresh start and could bring one person with you, who would it be? ... Junbao...
Questionnaire #22 -- Dreams
1. What is your favorite dream? To...help animals...
2. What is your worst nightmare? ...
3. Do you dream in color? Yes.
4. Do you have recurring dreams? If so, what? It is rare. I had dreams of someone dying for a period of time.
5. How do you keep bad dreams away? I do not know.
6. What did you dream last night? ... I was in front of a small house in the woods. Silhouettes of people I know were there, but their faces were never shown. I slipped on a chipped tea cup, and they arranged themselves around me to...ask if I was okay... It was suffocating. A hand touched mine and I recognized it, but I do not remember whose hand it was.
Questionnaire #23 -- Either Or (2)
1. Clothed or Naked? Clothed.
2. Loud or Quiet? Quiet.
3. Rain or Snow? Rain.
4. Happy or Sad? Happy.
5. Boots or Shoes? Shoes.
6. Ant or Caterpillar? Caterpillar?
Questionnaire #24-- Likes and Dislikes
1. What is your comfort food? I like soup.
2. When do you reach for it? When I do not feel well.
3. What textures do you like least? (Why?) ... I do not understand.
4. Which textures make you most want to reach out and touch? (Why?) ... Fur?
5. What scent do you like most? (Why?) Rain. It is clean.
6. What scent do you like least? (Why?) Dirty clothes. It is dirty.
Questionnaire #25 -- Appearance/clothing
1. Are you vain? No.
2. How important is your outward appearance? It is not very significant.
3. Do you notice how other people look and what they are wearing? No.
4. Describe your favourite outfit. I do not have a favorite outfit.
5. Describe your mate's (best friend, etc) favourite outfit if they were to choose it.
6. Describe your favourite outfit to see your mate (best friend, etc.) in.
Questionnaire #26 -- Sleep
1. Where do you sleep? I sleep in Room A01, Eir Court.
2. When do you sleep (time of day)? Around 11PM.
3. How many hours a day of sleep do you need? Six.
4. What's your favourite position to sleep in? I sleep on my side.
5. What do you wear to sleep? A tank top and pants, or shorts.
6. Do you like a lot of covers, or a few, or none at all? I will use as many covers as necessary to keep warm.
Questionnaire #27 -- Life and Death
1. Who (or what) do you live for? I...do not know. To become a veterinarian.
2. Who (or what) would you die for? I do not know.
3. In general, what do people think of you upon first impression? A problem.
4. What do people think of you after they get to know you better? ... I do not know... No one has.
5. If you were to die right now, today, what kind of legacy would you leave behind? "That person."
6. What kind of legacy would you *want* to leave behind? I do not want to leave behind a legacy.
Questionnaire #28 -- Medicine
1. Do you have any chronic or acute medical conditions? No.
2. What are they?
3. Do you take medication (or any type of curative) for them?
4. How do you feel about taking the medication/curative?
5. What happens if you don't take the medication/curative?
6. Who is your doctor/healer? Dr. Dalyell.
Questionnaire #29 -- Children
1. Do you like children? I have no opinion on them.
2. Do you have children? No.
3. Do you want to have children? No.
4. What is your earliest childhood memory? Playing with a Hanafuda deck.
5. Who was your favourite person when you were a child? I did not have a favorite person.
6. Name one thing that made it clear to you that were no longer a child. How old were you at the time? I had to care for myself. I was four.
Questionnaire #30 -- Astrology
1. What is your birthday? December 24th.
2. What is your sun sign? I do not know.
3. What is your moon sign? I do not know.
4. What is your rising sign? I do not know.
5. What sign do you find most annoying? I do not know.
6. What sign do you find most attractive? I do not know.
Questionnaire #31 -- Skills (take two)
1. Can you ride a bike? Yes.
2. Can you drive? If so, what? No.
3. Can you swim? Yes.
4. Can you fly? No.
5. Can you fight? No.
6. Can you lead? No.
Questionnaire #32 -- Either/Or take two Would you rather...
1. Eat an endless amount or photosynthesize? ... Photosynthesize.
2. Hold your breath indefinitely or make yourself turn blue? ... Holding one's breath indefinitely will lead to one "turning blue", or dying.
3. Learn sign language or talk without moving your lips? Learn sign language.
4. Keep your eyes open without blinking or be able to turn off your hearing? Keep my eyes open without blinking.
5. Fly or walk through solid matter? ... Fly.
6. Live forever and stay young or be reincarnated with your old memories? ... Be reincarnated...?
Questionnaire #33 -- Money
1. Are you poor, rich, or in between? In between.
2. Growing up were you poor, rich or in between? In between.
3. Is money important to you? No.
4. How do you acquire money? Allowance.
5. What is your most valuable possession? My laptop.
6. What is your most valued possession? My stuffed animal, Oat-kun. He is a sheep.
Questionnaire #34-- Work, rest and play
1. Do you nap frequently? Where is your favourite place to do so? No. In a tree.
2. Are you lazy, or active? Somewhere in between? I am active.
3. What time do you do your best work? That is relative.
4. Would you rather work, play, or relax? Work.
5. What is your favourite way to relax? Sit against a window or practice archery.
6. What is your favourite play activity? I do not think I have one.
Questionnaire #35 -- Random (2)
1. Have you ever touched a dolphin? Yes.
2. Do you like the feeling of silk? I have no opinion.
3. What's your favourite fruit? I like oranges.
4. What's your favourite movie? (Favourite story/tale if you live in a world where there are no movies) ... Charlotte's Web?
5. What is your favourite type of storm (ie, hurricane, thunderstorm, etc)? I do not like storms.
6. Have you ever been so tired you fell asleep sitting or standing? What circumstances led to this? Yes, because I did not get enough sleep.
Questionnaire #36 -- Favourites, The Senses
1. What is your favourite sound? Rain falling.
2. What is your favourite thing to touch? Fur.
3. What is your favourite smell? Rain.
4. What is your favourite taste? Spice.
5. What is your favourite sight? Nature.
6. Which of your senses is your favourite? Sound.
Questionnaire #37 -- Eating and Drinking
1. Can you cook? Yes.
2. What kind of food do you normally eat? Japanese, Korean and Western.
3. What food is a special treat (like for a birthday)? I do not know.
4. Do you drink alcohol? No.
5. Have you ever been drunk? Relate the most memorable time.
6. What is your cure for a hangover?
Questionnaire #38 -- Time
1. Do you wear a watch? Describe it. Yes. It is a thin, silver linked band with an analog face.
2. Are you usually early, late or just on time? Early.
3. Where do you lose time? Bookstores? Computers? Talking on the phone? On the field.
4. What is your favourite time of day? Early morning.
5. What one thing do you spend most of your time on besides sleep? Sports.
6. If you could travel through time, 'when' would you go to? I do not know.
Questionnaire #39 -- Crime and Punishment
1. Have you ever witnessed a crime? Yes.
2. Have you ever commited a crime? Yes.
3. Have you ever been wrongly accused of a crime? Yes.
4. Have you ever been arrested? No.
5. Have you ever been to jail/received punishment? No.
6. What's the worst thing you've ever "gotten away with"? J-Walking.
Questionnaire #40 -- More Random
1. What are you allergic to? Nuts.
2. Do you eat fish? Yes.
3. Who is your oldest friend? I. I do not know who is older.
4. What makes the best pet? Love.
5. What is the grossest thing you've ever done? Clean a bathroom.
6. Here is a needle, a tube of toothpaste, a deck of cards and some string. Make something. What did you make? ... A card house kept together with toothpaste with a threaded needle at the top.
Questionnaire #41 -- Are you? (take two)
1. Funny? No.
2. Good? ...
3. Studly? No.
4. Happy? ...
5. Stupid? Maybe.
6. Vain? No.
Questionnaire #42 -- Change
1. Name one thing about your physical appearance would you change. I would not change my physical appearance.
2. Name one thing about your mate's physical appearance would you change.
3. Name one thing about your life would you change. ...
4. Name one thing about your mate's life would you change.
5. Name one thing you did that made negative changes in your life. Would you do it again? I do not know.
6. Name one thing you did that made positive changes in your life. ... I spoke with Zander.
Questionnaire #43 -- Love
1. Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
2. Are you in love right now? No.
3. Is anyone in love with you? No.
4. Has anyone ever broken your heart? No.
5. What is the best thing about being in love?
6. What is the worst thing about being in love?
Questionnaire #44 -- Mind Bending
1. Have you ever used recreational drugs? No.
2. Have you ever been addicted to drugs? No.
3. Do you drink for fun or to forget? No.
4. Do you meditate? I have.
5. Have you ever been in a trance? No.
6. Have you ever visited an alternate reality? ... Yes.
Questionnaire #45 -- Memories
1. What was the most memorable event of your childhood? Oat-kun in the pool.
2. What's your favorite memory? Why? I do not know.
3. What's your least favorite/most painful memory? Why? ...
4. What do you do to help you preserve your memories (i.e. photographs, mementoes etc)? Nothing.
5. Do you have a good memory or are you constantly forgetting things? I do not know if I have a "good memory," but I do not constantly forget things.
6. Is memory a curse or a blessing? It is a function.
Questionnaire #46 -- Hair
1. Describe your hair. My hair is blonde, slightly wavy and reaches an inch or two past my shoulder.
2. Describe your mate's hair.
3. If you could change your hair this minute, what would it look like? Shorter.
4. Ever had a hair disaster? What happened? ... There was gum in it. It had to be cut.
5. Are you usually concerned with the appearance of your hair? (ie do you think about it or just brush and go) No.
6. Hairy or smooth -- which do you prefer? I have no preference.
Questionnaire #47 -- Strangeness
1. What do you think is the strangest thing about yourself? I cannot "get along" with others.
2. What do other people find strange/surprising about you? I cannot "get along" with others.
3. Is there anything about yourself that you consider odd or abnormal that other people don't? I do not know.
4. Are there any supposedly 'normal' things that you think are strange or can't understand? ... People...
5. What are some notable oddities about your mate/closest friends?
6. What is the strangest thing you've ever seen? A different reality.
Questionnaire #48 -- Birthdays
1. What did you do on your last birthday? I had dinner with my parents.
2. Describe the best birthday you've ever had. I do not know.
3. Describe the worst birthday you've ever had. I do not know.
4. If you were planning your own birthday -- how would it be spent? I do not know.
5. What would your ideal birthday present be? I do not know.
6. What's the best present you ever gave someone else? I have never given a birthday present before.
Questionnaire #49 -- The things that shaped you
1. What were your parents like? What did they do? They work for an electronic company.
2. What is your economic background like? Were you rich, poor, in between? In between.
3. Are you part of any social group? Yuppies? Warriors? Bad Boys? Good Girls? I do not think so.
4. Who shaped you the most? Who most affected your worldviews? ... I do not know.
5. Did you rebel against your upbringing, or is it deeply ingrained in you? I raised myself.
6. What were the major issues of the day when you grew up? War? Famine? Crime? Technology Change? Religious Upheaval? I do not know...
Questionnaire #50 -- Politics and activism
1. Do you consider yourself political? No.
2. Where do you think of your politics as falling (right? left? socialist? anarchist?) I do not know.
3. Do the people in power share your politics? I do not know.
4. Do you consider yourself an activist? No.
5. What 'causes' are you active in?
6. What form does your activism take? (some people stuff envelopes; some people blow up buildings)
Questionnaire #51 -- Romance and fun
1. Do you believe in romance? Yes.
2. What is the most romantic thing you have ever done? I have not done anything romantic.
3. What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you? I have not had anything romantic done to me.
4. Is a sense of humour important to you? I do not know.
5. What is the silliest thing you have ever done with a lover?
6. Name something that looks like fun, but that you would never do. Why wouldn't you do it? ... Lean against someone. Though it serves no real purpose unless exhausted.
Questionnaire 52 -- More favourites
What is your favourite... (and why?)
1. Fruit? Orange. It is good tasting.
2. Movie? I do not know. Charlotte's Web. It was touching.
3. Way to spend time with your mate?
4. Number? I have no favorite number.
5. Time waster? I do not waste time.
6. Sport? Archery.
Questionnaire # 53 -- Kinks
1. Have you ever paid someone for sex? No.
2. Have you ever had someone tie you up? No.
3. What's the weirdest thing you've ever been penetrated with?
4. Where's the oddest place you've had sex?
5. What's your most perverted fantasy?
6. Has your partner ever done something to you that you thought you'd hate and you got off on it? What was it?
Questionnaire #54 -- Labor
1. When did you get your first paying job?
2. What was it?
3. What job are you working now?
4. What job do you expect you will be doing in the future? I hope to work with animals.
5. If you didn't have to work (money wasn't an issue) would you still work anyway? Yes.
6. What is your ideal job? To help animals.
Questionnaire #55 -- Education/Smarts
1. Do you consider yourself smart? No.
2. Who is the smartest person you know? I am not sure.
3. Up to what level did you attend formal education? (ie. 10th grade, bachelor, grad work etc.) I am currently in my second year of college.
4. In what environment did you learn the most? (ie. school, home, streets, job etc.) School.
5. Who taught you the most/most useful lessons? I am mostly self-taught.
6. Who is your favourite teacher? (does not have to be an actual teacher, just someone you learned from) ... Matsumura-sensei, my first archery teacher.
Questionnaire #56 -- Perversion
1. What do you think is perverted? Using animals in perverted ways.
2. What's the most perverted thing you've done? I do not do perverted things.
3. What's the difference between perverted and kinky? I do not know.
4. What's something perverted you've been asked to do and wouldn't? I have not been asked.
5. What's something you used to think was perverted, but don't now?
6. What's something you didn't used to think was perverted, but do now?
Questionnaire #57 -- Word Association
Say the first thing that pops into your head after each of the following words. Do you know why your brain made that connection?
1. Hate. Anger.
2. Love. Complicated.
3. Sex. Pleasure.
4. Family. Kitchen.
5. Fear. Too many.
6. Humanity. Nuisance.
Questionnaire #58 -- Sounds
1. What is your favourite sound? Rain falling.
2. If you were deaf, what would you miss the most? Sound.
3. What does your voice sound like? I am not sure.
4. Can you sing? I do not know.
5. Can you play an instrument? No.
6. What is the sound of a sunrise? Birds.
Questionnaire #59 -- Travel
1. Have you ever been in a plane? Where did you go? Yes. I went to Japan and England.
2. Have you ever been in a boat? Where did you go? No.
3. What is your preferred method of transportation? Why? Bicycle. I am used to it.
4. What is the furthest you have ever travelled from your home? Japan to England and vice versa.
5. Do you enjoy travel? I do not dislike it.
6. Are you a light or heavy packing traveller? I am a light traveler.
Questionnaire #60 -- Things that go bump
1. What was your first Hallowe'en costume? I did not dress up for Halloween.
2. What is the worst nightmare you've ever had? That person dying in front of me.
3. When was the last time you were scared? A few months ago.
4. What frightens your partner?
5. What is the strangest thing you eat? I do not know.
6. Have you ever seen a dead body? ... Yes, though it was not really "dead."
Questionnaire #61 -- Creativity
1. Do you consider yourself creative? No.
2. What is the most creative thing you've ever done? ... Make a card house with toothpaste and a threaded needle.
3. Do you have any artistic talent? What? No.
4. Do you like art? ... Yes?
5. Do you believe an artist should be subsidised so that they can create without having to worry about stuff like a roof over their heads or where their next meal is coming from? I am not sure.
6. If you had to put one item that belongs to you into a museaum time capsule, what would it be? Oat-kun.
Questionnaire #62 -- Laughter
1. Tell us your favorite joke. I do not have a favorite joke.
2. Tell us your favorite dirty joke.
3. Tell us your favorite bad joke.
4. Who's the funniest person you know? ... Junbao?
5. When was the last time you laughed hard enough your ribs ached? Never.
6. Are you ticklish? Where? I am not sure.
Questionnaire #63 -- Clothing
1. Do you prefer wearing clothing or going nude? I prefer to wear clothes.
2. What is your favourite material to wear? Cotton.
3. What is your favourite material for your mate to wear?
4. Do you wear a uniform to work? I do not work.
5. What do you wear for play? I wear the necessary clothes per sport.
6. If you could only wear one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? A set of clothes.
Questionnaire #64 -- Moods
1. Why did you last laugh? I cannot recall the last time I laughed.
2. Why did you last cry? Someone I knew "died."
3. Why did you last lose your temper? I cannot recall the last tme I lost my temper.
4. Do your moods change often? No.
5. What usually triggers your mood changes? Are they usually dramatic changes or gradual? ... Animals.
6. When was the last time you acted impulsively because of your mood at the time? ... A few months ago.
Questionnaire #65 -- Nicknames
1. Do you have a nickname? (more than one?) N- Yes.
2. Does your mate call you something that no one else does?
3. Does your mate have a nickname? (more than one?)
4. Do you call your mate something that no one else does?
5. Do you tend to give everyone a nickname? Why or why not? No.
6. Are there any nicknames you hate? No.
Questionnaire #66 -- Cleaning
1. Are you a slob? Is your partner a slob? No.
2. What's the last thing you cleaned? My laundry.
3. What one thing most needs cleaning at the moment? The bathroom.
4. What's your favorite cleaning scent? Scentless.
5. What's your least favourite thing to clean? The bathroom.
6. What's your most favourite thing to clean? I do not have a favorite thing to clean.
Questionnaire #67 -- Baking
1. Cookies or cake? Light cake.
2. Do you bake/cook? Yes.
3. Is there a dish that's "your dish"? No.
4. Do you prefer cooking or doing the dishes? It does not matter.
5. Where is your favourite place to eat? In the windowsill.
6. Who is your favourite person to eat with? I prefer to eat alone.
Questionnaire #68 -- Blood
1. Does the sight of blood make you woozy? No.
2. What does blood taste like to you? Like metallic fish.
3. Do you like the taste? No.
4. Have you ever lost a lot of blood? I do not think so.
5. Have you ever deliberately drawn blood from someone? No.
6. What colour is your blood? It is blue or red, depending on the situation.
Questionnaire #69 -- Rescue
1. Have you ever been rescued? ... Yes...
2. Have you ever rescued anyone? No...
3. Do you think it's braver to save someone from a burning building or to save them from themselves? ... A burning building?
4. Who's sexier -- firemen or lifeguards? And why? I do not know.
5. Which of the 'rescue hero' type jobs would you most like to do? ... Veterinarian?
6. Would you prefer your mate had a rescue hero type job or a 'safe' job?
Questionnaire #70 -- Spices
1. What's your favourite spice? Cinnamon.
2. What's your least favourite spice? I do not know.
3. If you were a spice, which would it be and why? I do not know.
4. Do you like a lot of spice in your food? Yes.
5. Is there such a thing as too much spice? Yes.
6. If there were no spices in the world except for salt, would that be okay? Yes.
Questionnaire #71 -- Numbers
1. Is the number 13 lucky, unlucky, or just a number? It is a number.
2. What's your favourite number? I do not have a favorite number.
3. Do you have a lucky number? No.
4. How about an unlucky number? No.
5. Are you into numerology? No.
6. How old are you? I am 20 years old.
Single Questions
Single Question #1
1. Do you celebrate a mid-winter holiday?
If yes, which one and what is a typical celebration for you? What is the most memorable one? If no, why not?
I celebrate Christmas. ... This...past Christmas is my most memorable one because...different people were involved...
Single Question #2
1. Do you like kissing?
Describe your best kiss ever.
I have not kissed.
Single Question #3 -- Water
1. How do you feel about water?
It is useful. I like it.
Single Question #4 -- Saving Lives
1. There's a saying -- if you save a man's life, you are responsible for it. Agree or disagree?
I have no opinion.
Single Question #5 -- Children
1. Tell us about the children in your life. Do you have any of your own? Do you like children? Do you want to have children?
I do not have any children. I do not have a preference. No.
survey of doom