+ what did you do in jan 1-20 2004 that you'd never done before?: played a card game called “Animals,” skated on a frozen pond in RI, joined a food co-op, watched “Big Fish,” watched “Along came Polly,” saw a guy perform some two-note melodies with very morbid lyrics about nursery rhyme/cartoon characters, met Joe’s friend Bonnie; walked to the mall from Mt. Pleasant, bought a dress at Express, bought a box set of cd’s, played the pop culture edition of Trivial Pursuit
+ did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?: no and no dude
+ did anyone close to you give birth?: no.
+ did anyone close to you die?: no.
+ what places did you visit?: I have been to the following places in ALL of 2004: Providence, RI; East Providence, RI; Johnston, RI; Smithfield, RI; Lincoln, RI (by way of Pawtucket, RI)
+ what would you like to have in 2004 that you lacked in 2003?: a giant pumpkin that I grew! I mean a husband with sideburns and carhartt pants and 4 asian kids!
+ what date from jan 1-20, 2004 will remain etched upon your memory?: important dates thus far have been jan 4, michelle’s bday; and jan 19, the day the food co-op order was due - neither is etch-worthy
+ what was your biggest achievement of the year?: walking to the mall AND to the east side and back to the mall and back home; ice skating on a pond; having a superbowl party; knowing I was going to get my period about 9-10 hours in advance
+ what was your biggest failure?: I got a $100 parking ticket. I also discovered a $450 math error that I made at work.
+ did you suffer illness or injury?: I think I strained my arm stirring cookie dough on Sunday and I might be a little bruised from falling on the ice when I wasn’t even skating!
+ what was the best thing you bought?: I didn’t buy much other than a dress and the magnetic fields box set and I’m pretty psyched about both
+ whose behavior merited celebration?: the Patriots yah dood
+ whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?: George Bush, he totally loves immigrants and would not allow them to work low-wage jobs because he wants people to re-elect him!!!
+ where did most of your money go?: food, rent, utilities
+ what did you get really, really, really excited about?: ice skating on a pond and having a Superbowl party and Emmie and Duggan coming over!
+ what song[s] will always remind you of Jan 1-20, 2004?: "Caroline,” “Gigolo,” “Toxic,” the song about taking your pants off with Vandross
+ compared to last time you did this survey, are you: i. happier or sadder? happier ii. thinner or fatter? Same iii. richer or poorer? Richer
+ what do you wish you'd done more of: a little more reading
+ what do you wish you'd done less of?: being at work, being awake
+ did you fall in love in Jan 1-20, 2004?: no way dude
+ how many one night stands?: not nearly enough
+ what was your favorite TV program?: Average Joe, Martha Stewart, Patriots games
+ do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate last time you did this survey?: no
+ do you like anyone now that you hated last time you did this survey?: no
+ what was the best book you read?: Farmer Boy
+ what was your greatest musical discovery?: “Caroline”
+ what was your favorite film of Jan. 1-20, 2004?: between “Big Fish” and “Along came Polly” I’d have to say I preferred “Along Came Polly”
+ what one thing would have made Jan. 1-20, 2004 immeasurably more satisfying?: having like more than five friends
+ how would you describe your personal fashion concept in Jan 1-20, 2004?: more of the same except always with thermals underneath
+ what kept you sane?: emmie and maam
+ which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?: the rockabilly dude that got kicked off Average Joe
+ what political issue stirred you the most?: Bush’s re-election approaches!
+ who did you miss?: everybody
+ who was the best new person you met?: um I think I met approx. 1 new person?
+ tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2003. Ponds do freeze in Rhode Island!
+ quote a song lyric that sums up your year. Ice ice baby or some other song about it being cold cause I’m wicked clever
+ did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next
year?: no and no dude
+ did anyone close to you give birth?: no.
+ did anyone close to you die?: no.
+ what places did you visit?: I have been to the following places in ALL of 2004: Providence, RI; East Providence, RI; Johnston, RI; Smithfield, RI; Lincoln, RI (by way of Pawtucket, RI)
+ what would you like to have in 2004 that you lacked in 2003?: a giant pumpkin that I grew! I mean a husband with sideburns and carhartt pants and 4 asian kids!
+ what date from jan 1-20, 2004 will remain etched upon your memory?: important dates thus far have been jan 4, michelle’s bday; and jan 19, the day the food co-op order was due - neither is etch-worthy
+ what was your biggest achievement of the year?: walking to the mall AND to the east side and back to the mall and back home; ice skating on a pond; having a superbowl party; knowing I was going to get my period about 9-10 hours in advance
+ what was your biggest failure?: I got a $100 parking ticket. I also discovered a $450 math error that I made at work.
+ did you suffer illness or injury?: I think I strained my arm stirring cookie dough on Sunday and I might be a little bruised from falling on the ice when I wasn’t even skating!
+ what was the best thing you bought?: I didn’t buy much other than a dress and the magnetic fields box set and I’m pretty psyched about both
+ whose behavior merited celebration?: the Patriots yah dood
+ whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?: George Bush, he totally loves immigrants and would not allow them to work low-wage jobs because he wants people to re-elect him!!!
+ where did most of your money go?: food, rent, utilities
+ what did you get really, really, really excited about?: ice skating on a pond and having a Superbowl party and Emmie and Duggan coming over!
+ what song[s] will always remind you of Jan 1-20, 2004?: "Caroline,” “Gigolo,” “Toxic,” the song about taking your pants off with Vandross
+ compared to last time you did this survey, are you:
i. happier or sadder? happier
ii. thinner or fatter? Same
iii. richer or poorer? Richer
+ what do you wish you'd done more of: a little more reading
+ what do you wish you'd done less of?: being at work, being awake
+ did you fall in love in Jan 1-20, 2004?: no way dude
+ how many one night stands?: not nearly enough
+ what was your favorite TV program?: Average Joe, Martha Stewart, Patriots games
+ do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate last time you did this survey?: no
+ do you like anyone now that you hated last time you did this survey?: no
+ what was the best book you read?: Farmer Boy
+ what was your greatest musical discovery?: “Caroline”
+ what was your favorite film of Jan. 1-20, 2004?: between “Big Fish” and “Along came Polly” I’d have to say I preferred “Along Came Polly”
+ what one thing would have made Jan. 1-20, 2004 immeasurably more satisfying?: having like more than five friends
+ how would you describe your personal fashion concept in Jan 1-20, 2004?: more of the same except always with thermals underneath
+ what kept you sane?: emmie and maam
+ which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?: the rockabilly dude that got kicked off Average Joe
+ what political issue stirred you the most?: Bush’s re-election approaches!
+ who did you miss?: everybody
+ who was the best new person you met?: um I think I met approx. 1 new person?
+ tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2003. Ponds do freeze in Rhode Island!
+ quote a song lyric that sums up your year. Ice ice baby or some other song about it being cold cause I’m wicked clever
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