Aug 07, 2006 21:10
Oh what beautiful weather!
My long weekend of no plans turned into cottage fun at Hein's -- except I am now convinced that I spent all yesterday with a mild form of food poisoning which is SO NOT FUN and not only that but SUPER LAME. Anyway, I tried to tough it out amid the sharp stabbing and other unpleasant symptoms. So other than was muchos amusement. Swimming in the mushy bottomed lake, dance parties (with me attempting to participate while laying on the futon), Kilo cuddling (I seem to remember some inappropriate talk about Kilo and peanut butter), being constantly made fun of by EVIL and AWFUL friends who I am NEVER talking to again (are we okay?), eating tons of baba ghanouj (oh wait, eating NONE OF IT!!!), roadside stand icecream, journeys where all I cared about was seeking out Pepto Bismol, hilarious friendship talks, bunkbeds and screaming Michelle (actually, a whole lot of screaming Michelle all in all), losing directions and trying to find alternate ways...Ah yes, yes, long weekends are enjoyable.
This summer I have done a lot of swimming, been to a satisfactory amount of cottages, and eaten a decent amount of barbecued food. What more could one ask?