May 19, 2006 13:06
So today’s going pretty well I believe, Friday is catch-up day with Stephen and today is no exception. I feel like today is catch-up day with myself. I’m going to curl up against the other door with Morrie and just cuddle and read... it’s one of those days.
I’m listening to Hoobastank. Not that I do it very much or even casually sometimes, but they have a new CD out and Stephen whored me a copy with some bonus media and so of course I’m listening to it because I have an open mind. It’s actually pretty nice... catchy. I can’t wait until lunch because I want to lay on the floor and read, and there’s tonnes of people who could possibly step on me.
Tuesdays With Morrie is a good book. Mitch Albom is a good author... his work always centers on life and the lessons you get from it, and the meaning... that sort of thing. I always like reading about his thoughts on it. You know it’s good when it attracts and holds your attention like that.
Anyway, Morrie is Mitch’s college professor who nurtures Mitch’s more thoughtful (albeit a tad cynical) side, and who strives to teach Mitch everything he’s going through when he contracts ALS - Lou Gehrig’s disease. And what occurs when he learns that he will eventually suffocate from his disease.
Instead of being sad, Morrie pulls himself up by the reins and takes charge of his life, using his life as a teacher to help teach people about death as he walks through his last path in life: the one to death. He calls himself the missing link between life and death many times in the book. Refusing to let himself suffer, he continues working and has a living funeral - in an attempt to show others not to be afraid. His passion is as real as Mitch, in this non-fiction memoir of a man’s last teaching position.
Vinyl sticker with big block letters
Adherent to my chest
Tells... your new friends,
“I am a visitor here
I am not permanent.”
I love The Postal Service. I really need more music by them... the microwave here really sucks. Like really. The plate moves around constantly, and it’s always like “NYAUR”.
“I’m gonna puke if I keep smelling popcorn.”
Haha, I think I agree.. I burnt my popcorn. Now I’m sad.. but we have nothing else to eat, so what was I supposed to do? Hff... the boy has work tonight, but that’s all right.
I’m thinking of buying him a collar and leash. I’d totally just lead him around... I’m a skank like that. Only 2 hours... I can make it I’ll just read and such... it’s really easy. =)