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You are so random =D sintai January 11 2006, 21:56:00 UTC
1. Name: Sarah
2. Date of birth: 11/10
3. Where do you live: Eh...I dunno. I forgot the name. That place near Marianna
4. What makes you happy: Music. o_o
5. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Coldplay (That's really random for me...)
6. Do you read my journal: Pshh. It's like my favorite pastime
7. If yes, what makes it especially good or bad: ...it's especially good because you're friggen' Shelbi. What the hell kind of question WAS that?
8. An interesting fact about you: I'm scared of Coke tabs O_O
9. Are you in love/do you have a crush at the moment: You know my situation
10. Favourite place to spend time: My house whenever you happen to be here, or at some other friends house. I dunno.
11. Favourite lyric: Something by Bright Eyes for me as well
12. The best time of the year: Winter.

1. A film: ...watching movies is against my religion (actually, I just can't think of one...but SHHHH! you're not supposed to know)
2. A book: Tithe
3. A band, a song, an album: As Cities Burn. Just...do it.

1. One thing you like about me: IcouldnevernarrowitdowntoonethingbutIguesssinceimhereillsaythespiffywayyouunderstandallmyrandomness...O_O
2. Two things you like about yourself: Haha...who said I liked myself?
3. Look at my friends-list and tell what you like about one of our mutual friends: Well...there's Elizabeth. She's so spiffeh!
4. Put this in your journal so that I can tell you what I like about you.


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