I am going to a concert with my sister, yay!
I have decided that I am not to happy about the part I did get in the play, but at least I have a speaking part. I'll make the best of it. I don't know if it is much of a step up from a bag lady, but eh... *shrug* what are you gonna do?
I haven't gotten a myspace yet. I don't know if I want too, lol. So for now I am just going to lurk around other people's myspace. If I get one I'll probably update here more. By the way, how do you personalize myspace? Is it override codes? Because those kinda suck.
There aren't many pictures I am actually proud of, but today I think I look especially cute. Unlike Jane, I don't look cute all of the time and so I am not going to post pictures of me in every journal entry, lol. Not that I don't love seeing your lovely face every day, Jane.
So, here are two pictures I took of me today where I think I look especially cute. My self confidence is really low, but for some reason, I just think that everyone needs to know they are pretty. Maybe not all the time, maybe not today, but everyone is pretty. Enough of my talk, here are the pics!