some motivaton and inspiration

Jan 08, 2008 21:36

 heres some lovely quotes you all might enjoy

"the man who never starts, is the man who never feels a sense of power"
"you may have to fight a battle more than once to win"
"you may be dissapointed if you fail, but your doomed if you dont try"
"when things are tough, you fight one more round"
"the lust for tomorrow murders the soul"
"either you deal with it now, or it will deal with you later"
"a friend is alot of things, a critic he isnt"
"when work is a pleasure, life is a joy, when work is a duty, life is slavery"
"beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
"life only demands from you te stregnth you posses. Only one feat is possible- not to have to run away"
"wherever there is a human being, there is an oppertunity for kindness"
"it is healthy to want. if we got everything without working for it. we would be bored with our lives"
"people dont lack stregnth, they lack will"
"if you stop, you will never reach your dream"
"you must do the things you think you cannot do"
"smile at people"
"nothing in life is so hard that you cant mak it easier by the way you take it"

v1. Drink one glass of water every hour. It will make you feel full.
2. Drink ice cold water. Your body will burn calories just getting the water to a normal temperature to digest. Also it is great for your complexion.
3. Drink 3 cups of green tea daily. It will help boost your metabolism, plus its anti-oxidants make your skin look great.
4. Take vitamins daily. Do not take vitamins on an empty stomache, otherwise they have nothing to catalyze with.
5. Eat ice or gum when hungry. This will make your body think it had food without the calories.
6. Do aerobics until you want to faint.
7. Eat spicy foods. They raise your metabolism.
8. Take cold showers because your body will burn calories to heat you back up.
9. DON'T take laxatives. They don't help you to lose weight.
10. DON'T use diruretics. They only dehydrate you.
11. Brush your teeth constantly so you won't be tempted to eat afterwards.
12. Weat a rubberband around your wrist. Snap it when you want to eat.
13. Clean something gross (toilet, litter box, boyfriend's closet) when you want to eat. You will not want to eat after cleaning a litter box.
14. Keep your hair in good condition so no one will suspect anything.
15. Get a job so you'll have to work through meal times.
16. Exercise twice the amount of calories eaten.
17. Use smaller plates and utensils so it seems like you ate more.
18. Chew eat bite of food thoroughly and then take a sip of water between bites. You will feel full quicker and will not eat as much.
19. Say you are going to eat at a friend's house and instead go for a walk. You will be burning calories instead of taking them in.
20. Buy clothes that you can't fit into and hang them wear you can see them. This will motivate you to lose weight to fit into them.
21. Sleep at least six hours a day. If you get less than six this can lower your metabolism by 15%.
23. Pamper yourself! Give yourself a facial, paint your nails, anything to make you feel pretty.
25. Prepare a list of excuses as to why you can't eat - You're sick, you're a vegetarian, allergic, etc. You'd be amazed at how many good excuses there are.
26. Get out of your house! If you're not sitting around then people can't start shit with you about not eating.
27. Join a pro-ana group or start your own website. Anything that will keep you motivated.
28. Make an ANA scrapbook with pics of skinny models. Right down all the reasons you want to lose weight. Keep track of everything you eat. Look at it daily for thinsperation.
29. Keep good posture, burns 10% more calories when you sit up straight.
30. Instead of food, buy something else, a new shirt, flowers, jewelrey etc.
31. Make a list of all the "bad" foods that you crave and tend to binge on. Each day, pick one to take out of your diet that you absolutely, no matter what, cannot eat again. Take one off the list each day until there are no more bad foods you can have.
32. Avoid alcohol! A shot of liquor has 100-120 calories, a glass of wine has 80 calories, a lite beer has 110-120 calories, and a regular beer has 140-170 calories.
33. Never eat anything bigger than about a cup, your stomach will expand and then you'll get hungry more.
34. Eat in front of a mirror naked. See how much you can eat then!
35. The smell of coffee is suppose to supress appetite.
36. Wear perfectly applied lip gloss. It makes you more aware of what's going in your mouth. Also, flavored ones help with cravings.
37. Have 6 small meals a day. Take 2 apples, and split them so you can make 6 meals out of them. That way your body will be tricked into thinking it's eating more.
38. Low calorie hot chocolate curbs chocolate cravings, and makes you feel full.
39. Take anti-heartburn pills if you're really hungry. They nuetralize the acid that builds and makes you hungry. DON"T DO THIS!!!!! ONLY AS A VERY LAST RESORT! A Nurse wrote to me that it takes away your vitamins that your body needs if you use it constantly. So BEWARE on this one.
40. Take a picture of yourself wearing a bathing suit or something equally revealing, look at it when you want to eat.
41. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to realize the stomach is full.
42. When you get hunger pains curl into a ball, it makes them go away.
43. If you're a smoker and hungry, light up a cigarette. It curbs your appetite.
44. Eat lots of fiber. It makes you feel full and takes fat with it out of your body. The natural cleansing helps improve both your energy level and overall feeling of wellness.
45. Before you dig into that cake, bag of chips, candy, or whatever, take a deep breath and count to 100. Usually by the time you get to 100 you will have convinced yourself that you don't really want it.
46. When you're hungry chug 2 glasses (or how many you need) of straight water. It'll make you so full and nauseous you will have completely lost your appetite.
47. Celery actually burns calories. Every hour eat a stalk of it. Not only will it fill you up, but it will also get your metabolism kickin'.
48. Weigh yourslef before and after every time you eat. Not only will it eliminate unnecessary eating, but it will make you want to eat less when you see the numbers creep up.
49. Read the nutritional information. Remember, fat-free does not mean calorie-free. Also keep an eye on fiber content. Get as much fiber into your diet as you can, while cutting fat and calories.
50. Don't eat a lot at once. Spread your food throughout the day. This will help to avoid binging and keep your metabolism going.
51. If you like to drink alcohol, you'll like this. Make a rule: You can only drink every time you lose 2lbs. So, if you lose 4lbs a week, you can drink Friday and Saturday night. However, if you only lose 2lbs a week, you only get to drink one night.
52. Do not eat in front of the computer or TV. This distracts you from recognizing you're full.
53. Save the money you would have spent on that meal in a jar. Save it in a bottle instead and watch it grow.
54. Stay away from Slim-fast and other so-called "healthy" candy bars and shakes... one look at the nutition facts will tell you why. With all the carbs and excess calories you may as well go eat a freakin pie or something. Not to mention the rediculous prices... save yourself the money, and the calories.
55. Instead of buying food, buy yourself flowers. Food is depressing, but flowers make you happy.
56. When having cravings drink a couple glasses of water with slices of lemons and count to 100 and it should go away.
57. Eating 100 cals 4 times a day is better than eating a 400 cal meal.
58. An occasional binge doesn't hurt, in fact it's quite beneficial if you have reached a plateau (stopped losing weight). Your body will think you have stopped starving yourself, and you will drop at least a pound overnight! Just don't binge too regularly!
59. Someone told me that if you take a pure cold bath for 15-30 min and lower your body temp, your body burns around 200 cals for every degree it has to raise itself to reach a normal body temperture. This person tried it, a 30 min bath lowered their temp about 3-4 degrees
60. KEEP FOCUSED!!! If you fall off the wagon GET RIGHT BACK UP THERE!! The easiest thing in the world to do is say to yourself "ah well I've blown in now might as well eat a water-buffalo" but NO!! Keep at it.
61. Keep a journal of tips and triggers - as well as being something to look at when you're tempted it is something to work on to distract yourself.
62. Drink plenty of water - if you're eating very little you will likely become dehydrated and this can lead to anything from bad skin to death. Hot liquids are filling and comforting. Try green tea or Roibus tea - they are full of antioxidants.
63. If beating yourself up doesn't work, try telling yourself "Hey! You're far too good to put THAT in your body!"
64. Either eat the same thing every day so you know what's "safe" or "right" OR spend ages deciding what you'll eat, how you'll prepare it, where, when etc etc...
65. Try to keep what you eat balance, even when you're really not eating much. Include protein, fruits and vegetables in particular - this will keep your general health better as you're losing the weight. *Some helpful foods include: diet soft drinks, sugar-free lollies, sugar-free jelly, diet hot chocolate, clear soups or broths, raw vegetables and pickles.
66. Little rituals around food can help focus your control. Eat slowly and in an orderly fashion - be obsessive about detail!! Cut apples into cubes or chew each bite 53 times or whatever makes sense to you.
69. Whatever you do decide to eat, split it up into at least 6 small meals. Eat very slowly and precisely. You'll feel like you're eating ALL the time and it will help you stay on track.
70.Take a warm shower and brush your teeth while showering. Afterwards you'll feel warm and sleepy and your teeth will be clean and minty and hopefully you'll feel too clean and contented to want to eat.

-Drink plenty of water, whenever you start to get hungry drink 4 cups of water before you even begin to consider eating. you should drink at LEAST 8 cups per day.
-Chew sugar-free gum, especially when you are in a situation that will tempt you to eat
-Get AWAY from food, if you aren't near it then there is no worry about eating it.
-If you are hungry do crunches until the craving for food subsides.
-Weigh yourself before you eat, then weigh yourself after you eat, see how much fatter you get after each bite take a gulp of water, it will make you feel fuller faster
-only eat half of what is on your plate
-diet soda or calorie free carbonated drinks! they fill you up!
-eat on a smaller, dark plate it will trick your brain into thinking that you are eating more than you really are
-when you get really hungry buy a bag of sugar-free hard candies and suck on them, they will make the hunger subside
-distract yourself when you are hungry, clean, exercise do something besides eating
-make a list of all the foods someone has offered you but you declined and feel fabulous when you look at all the power you have
-always suck in your stomach, it makes you look thinner plus ten seconds of holding your stomach in equals one crunch
-always move, tap your feet or something, you can burn up to 800 calories a day by just moving your feet
-vary your exercise and your caloric intake (allow yourself to consume more calories on some days) to make sure your metabolism doesn't slow down
-always wear perfectly applied lip-gloss, if you eat you'll mess it up
-drink ice cold water, your body has to expend calories to warm you back up
-eat in the same place everyday, don't eat in front of the tv or computer, you won't notice how full you get
-drink hot beverages they fill you up
-don't eat anything bigger than your fist, it will make your stomach expand
-have a competition with someone to see who can lose the most weight the fastest
-persuade yourself that you don't like food
-don't eat anything at least three hours before going to bed
-coffee on an empty stomach makes you feel sick
-If you receive junk food as a gift, throw it away immediately so that you wont be tempted to eat it.
-Paint your nails - the stench of the nail varnish and remover will cause you not to want food and will prevent you from being able to get any for a while.
-Rubber bands - Put a rubber band on your wrist and if you start thinking about eating, snap the rubber band, you then start to associate eating with pain.
-Chew on ice - Keeps your mouth busy and gives you something to crunch into, also the coldness will burn calories and the ice will count towards your water intake!
-Drink a glass of water every hour; it will make you feel full.
-Eat one meal a day, preferably in the morning, this will help curb cravings and make a binge MUCH less likely.
-In between each mouthful of food that you eat, take a sip of water, it fills you up and slows down your eating so that you remain in control.
-Drink ICE COLD WATER - it burns calories because your body has to work to keep your temperature up.
-Before you give in to the temptation to eat, slowly count to 100, by the time you finish counting you will have renewed determination and will not need to eat the crap.
-Drink more hot drinks - hot liquids expand in your stomach and make you feel full.
-Write a 'wish list'; include all the things you will do when you lose weight.
-Reward yourself when you lose a certain amount of weight/ have stuck to your food goals for a week... this gives you something to aim for. But NEVER a food reward.
-If you NEED to eat the bad food, chew it in your mouth to get the taste and then spit it out - Be warned this can increase some people's cravings.
-Take magnesium tablets if you crave chocolate, it really helps.
-Sit up straight; you'll burn at least 10% more calories just by doing this.
-Persuade yourself that you don't like food, take your favorite food and when you look at it think of how gross it is.
-Chant, "food is bad, food is evil, food is terrible, food equals fat", over and over again and you wont want to eat anymore.
-Move and fidget all the time, it keeps you burning calories even when sitting down.
-Eat 6 50 calories meals a day. By spacing out the meals it will help you feel like your constantly eating. (See ideas for 50 and 100 calories meals under Safe Foods)
-Eat standing up, it will make you more conscious of what your eating, help you eat less and burn calories in the process.
-Hungry? Reach for a diet coke.
-Write down every single thing you eat. I use which is one of the best free sites around.
-Try and plan your day ahead of time, what your going to eat and the excercise your going to get.
-Use very small bowls and plates.
-Take pictures of yourself to track your progress and when you feel like bingeing whip it out.
-Always always know the calories in everything you eat.
-Keep a toothbrush in your purse, so whether your at work or school brushing your teeth will keep you from wanting to eat anything and it's a great excuse why you aren't eating.
- Spend time on ana websites, make your own website even or just a scrap book.
-Take your vitamins, they are essential.
-Make a journal and cut out pictures to put in it
-Whiten your teeth
-Do something with your hands. Anything. Whether it be flipping tv channels or doing homework.
-Make yourself an inspiration diary/journal. with pictures of models or famous people who inspire you.
-Excercise! Burn those calories
-Take multi-vitimins, because starving or eating less will shock your body and you may lose the amount of vitimins and minerals your body is used to.
-Get an ana friend, e-mail or write to other anas, this will help as they know what your going through.
-Play an online game. Many at are insanely addictive
-Dance! Let out all those emotions... just let it loose!
-Read a magazine and look at all those models you could soon look like.
-Write in a diary
-Make up meal plans for the day or even the week.
-Focus on your eating, the bites, chewing,shallowing etc.
-Take less money/no money to college/school/work so you won't be able to buy food.
-Eat slowly, the brain takes 20mins to recognise that the stomatch is full.
-Eat fibre, it fill you up and cleanses your digestive track.
-Buy clothes too small, this is a great way of making sure you lose weight.
-Take multivitimins, they'll keep you looking healthy.
-Sit up straight, this burns 10% more cals!
-Never go food shopping on a totally empty stomatch or you'll crave foods that are bad when you get there.
-If you slip e.g eat chocolate- dont give up and binge, realsise that we all need a treat sometimes and then get back on track.
-Treat yourself to something you like at least once a week otherwise you'll crave for it and may binge.
-Although it may be hard; exercise!!! If you dont like it (like me), go for a long walk or even dance, maybe go for lessons or by yourself to one of your fave songs.
-We all have our bad days or even weeks so when this happens, dont worry or panic. Ana is hard sometimes and its just a challenge.

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