Jul 11, 2007 22:57
Ok hope you guys remember me i spent like since April tll now tryng to make my body loose weght and no matter how little i ate it would not work. I even fasted and went to 500kcal daily and my fucked up metabolism would not give in (or it gave in a little to re-gain it from even 200kcal) I was frustrated.
THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT I FOUND A DIET WHICH UNSTUCKED IT. I AM SOOO HAPPY TO SAY I LOST 6lb. SIX!!!! IN A WEEK!!!! and I have not even gone back to working out (saving it a s a secret weapon), isn't that great???
I am sooooo glad happy !!! yay!!! soon i will get to my GOAL!!!
the funny thing about it it is that it has more calories in it!!?!?!?!?!?!? wierd huh??? do any of you grrrreat girls know why????