A good friend of mine, Daniel Cupit was in a wreck today. he wasnt wearing his seatbelt. he was speeding and he lost control, he hit an oncomming car. he was ejected through the windsheildof his car.
needless to say daniel didnt make it. he is in a better place, he lived his life for jesus and now there is no doubt he is in heaven.
he was one of the best people i have ever met. one of the greatest friends a person could have. he went to my church. he always made a point to speak to me sit with me, and go to lunch with me afterwards. he had the most amazing smiles i have ever seen. he loved his family , he loved his friends, and most of all he loved addy. so much. they where the best couple i have ever seen.
so everyone pray.
pray for his mom and dad
pray for his 3 brothers, aubrey kyle and josh
pray for his girlfriend.
pray for his friends
pray for anyone who was lucky enough to ever see him smile.
daniel you are truly missed, and you will never be forgotten.
i love you<3