Feb 15, 2005 17:56
crazy stuff, friday me and sarah went to the ghs/phs basketball game, i saw jaimie, lena, emily, many boys, johno, and lauren vernon...
me and sarah where sanding behind the goal post when, all these fags from page start chanting whore-bags, and pointing at us, so we flip them off, and sarah yells fuck you you fucking faggots go suck a nut, and they start chanting how much, so sarah is pissed and goes you wanna talk shit come do it to my face you fuckers. i look down and see gaspy and sed runnin up the stairs to get us so i run after sarah adn grab her pants and pullher back, which was hard to do, that girl is beast. gaspy yells at sarah and she bitches him out. it was amazing, and we dint get in trouble.
later sarah comes back to my house and we are watching a movie when mr. calls and says that his friend halley(whore)'s date dumped her or somthing and she ask him and he said yes, now this would be truley noble if sarah had not ask him first twice, both times he said no. so we decide that she is going to twirp, she tries on my dresses, and settles on my homecomming dress, we then must find her a ticket. that was easier said than done. we decided to jsut go and have her pay there, so sarah goes to her house to hang out with her bf, then andrew comes and like 10 min later emilee comes. we go to eat at nyp with brandon and then me and andrew go to my uncles to pick up the old motorcycle jacket he was giving me. that was fun, and i didnt get lost like i expected, we then went and saw george, and then back to my house to get ready for the dance. we left at about 7 for dinner adn met everyone for dinner, including dusti and emily and alex F.
we ate then went to exon to see brians tats they are nice. alex decided to join us at the dance and we had lots of fun. andrew got to meet many of the people i love at ghs, like sarah, mattR, mattM, erin, jesse, lauren, mark, tricia, mike, danny, and his stupid grlfnd(if you have red hair you cant wear hot pink dear)and many other band people... all in all it was a great dance.
we left at like 12:20 and went to emilees, where we watched the big lebowski, or somthing like that. which reminds me:
VaLeNtiNes dAy:
was cool, sarah got me a flower, so did matt marks(thanks guys) and corndog and andrew asked to be my valentine cool. i ask dusti, she agreed. thats hawt. i enjoyed valentines day this year. its such a fun holiday.
im going to the beach this weekend...
and im having a grand ole' time icnoring chris eures existance.