Connecting [original prompt]

Feb 26, 2015 18:51

Prompt: Original prompt
Summary:Kris finds a number written in the library's History B textbook and gives it a try.
Notes:It was done in like two one hour or's not much but well. I actually had like three more projects, but they were getting too long and I wasn't able to finish them in time so I'm just sending this one. I hope it's at least okay ;;
(plus in the fanfic, Kris is a 12th grader with 17 years old, this is according to the Portuguese educational system, so basically after the 12th grade you're going to university. yeah that's all. Thank you.)

“I’m sorry-who is this?”

That day everything was seemingly normal. Kris woke up, got dressed, had breakfast, kissed his mom on the cheek and wished his dad a good day. Then he was off to school like any other normal seventeen years old.

The weather was nice when he left, the sun was shyly peeking through the few clouds in the sky, like every other spring, the wind gently caressed his skin and the birds were happily chirping, creating this sweet tune that assures you that ‘today is going to be a good day’.

As soon as he reaches school grounds, he finds his friends talking near the front gate, as usually.

“‘sup guys?” he approaches them sing-songing with his deep voice.

“‘sup bro! We were just waiting for you!” Chanyeol shouts out, a little too eager like he has always been. “Why didn’t you go to Tera yesterday? or LOL? We were all waiting for you!” Chanyeol whines, even though he is way too tall to be whining around. “You ruined our game night!”

“Yeah, we were all excited that we were going to play and then someone doesn’t fucking show up.” Jongin the youngest of the three of them, murmurs with a light remain of anger to his voice.
“Guess what?” he spats.


“We lost because our friend failed us and didn’t even warned us about. It’s like walking straight into an ambush! You betrayed us! How could you!” Jongin pouts.

“Oh my god! Stop being a drama queen. It wasn’t even my fault, my parents had to go to this formal dinner and guess what? I had to go as well.” Kris answers with more patience than usually.

“ suck.”

“Okay, okay...moving on!” Chanyeol interrupts. “Do you remember the girl from Friday night?” The remaining two boys look rather confused and Chanyeol’s grin immediately falls being replaced by an annoyed look. “The one that fell and got some liquor on my brand new shirt.”

“Ohh” the boys reply in unison. “That girl.” Jongin adds.

“Yeah, well she offered to pay for the dry clean and we all know what that means!" He lets out an ear to ear grin.

"That she's paying you, which makes you a man whore." Jongin smirks and Kris snorts, leaving behind a trail of happiness as they walk into the school building, after hearing the bell ring.

"Anyways it's not like I'll be able to play in a while too, exams are coming up and my parents said no."

Jongin groans. "Mine won't let me play either, starting next week."

"That's because you don't pay attention in class and then have to study like, the whole night or nights..." Chanyeol annoyingly taunts, before leaving to his own classroom.

"Pretentious little shit." Kris murmurs to himself.

"I've got to go, just saw my PE teacher pass by." Jongin pats his shoulder and leaves.

"Maths..." He murmurs before making a face. "I hate maths..."

He knows he's going to arrive after the second bell, he knows he's going to be late but he doesn't properly care. All he needs to do is have an average grade and he'll be off the hook. But when he gets to block D, he sees the door to the classroom he's supposed to be having maths closed and all his classmates outside, waiting. Weird, he thinks, the teacher usually does everything to make sure they won't miss a single day of class, unless-

"I heard the teacher might be sick." Minseok, one of his classmates, says and Kris does a small victory dance. No maths, definitely a good day.

After a while, one of the school's assistant tells them to leave because the teacher's not coming, and that's exactly what they do.

Being the always popular, Kris is asked if he wants to go to the coffee and eat something but he refuses telling them he’s got ‘stuff to do’, and so he does. He goes into the library to study for his upcoming history test, next week.

“I’m sorry.” He whispers to the librarian who looks up from the book she’s reading. A middle-aged woman, in her forties, a nice lady Kris had come to know as the years went by. “Can I lend the History B textbook?”

“Last year right?” She gets up and goes to the bookshelf next to the printers, scanning the rows of books.


“Here you go.” She hands him the textbook. “You can go to the silent zone but please, be quiet. I’d hate to throw you out.” She warns.

“Chanyeol’s not with me. I can be quiet, but that crazy idiot can’t.” he speaks normally, momentarily forgetting where he is.

“I told you to be quiet.” She scolds him, as she takes her seat and opens the book once again.

“Okay.” He whispers.

He walks to the corner or silent zone as the librarian likes to call, and throws his bag on top of the table at the corner. After he sits, he opens his bag and takes all the materials he needs.

He’s been studying for a good half an hour when he turns one more page and finds a cell phone number written there in red ink.

He stares at it for a while, distracted from the subject he had been studying. What would happen if he called? Would anyone answer? Would the number still be available? uhmm… For a moment, he thought of whom the number could belong to. But there wasn’t any other socioeconomics class having History B, due to its boringness everyone naturally runs away from it. Except those who thought it would be easy, like Kris.

Without thinking it through he dials the number and soon he’s hearing the sound of the calling connecting until suddenly a pick up noise and someone on the other side.


“Hey.” He answers, voice low, so he won’t be kicked out, and nervous.

“I’m sorry-who is this?” The other asks, clearly a masculine voice, chirpy and smooth, but masculine nevertheless.

“Ahh-I- My name’s Kris.” The nervousness is evident, even though this is just a phone call with someone he doesn’t know, he’s nervous. He doesn’t know why, but he is really nervous, like really nervous.

“Kris...I don’t know if I know you...Do I know you?” the other asks in confusion.

“I don’t think so-”

“How did you got my number?” The confusion is still obvious even if Kris doesn’t know the other man, he can read his voice like an audiobook (kinda).

“Actually it was-ahh-written on this History B textbook at my school…”Kris says as he slowly darts off.

“What school? Wait-is it a 12th-grade book? Uhh at Seoul Secondary School?” the voice nearly shouts and Kris has to politely move the phone away from his ear for a bit.

“yeah.” he answers somewhat unsure.

“Oh, It was probably me, you see, on the other other day me and my friend, who’s in the 12th grade studying socioeconomics, were studying at the library and I wrote it there for him, because I got a new cell phone number. Guess that wasn’t his textbook.” the other laughs lightly, leaving a fluttering feeling in Kris’ heart.

Kris laughs along for a while before he registers something. “So you go to this school?”

“Yeah, I’m majoring arts.”

“that’s cool.”


“So...uhh… what’s your name?”

“Oh right. Nice to meet you, my name’s Yixing.” and Kris smiles, storing that piece of information in a special place in his brain, for some yet unknown reason.

And Kris’ morning was definitely a great morning. He talked to his new friend the whole time he was supposed to be having maths. Next day he searched along the arts class for someone with the name Yixing, luckily he was Chinese, making his quest easy as there was just one Yixing and he was in the 11th grade, class A3.

For the next weeks, Kris met up with him regularly, in the morning before class, at lunch time, after school was over, whenever their schedule was friendly and allowed them to spend time together.

Chanyeol and Jongin eventually met the ‘Oh so great’ Yixing and they saw what both Chinese men didn’t. They saw something beyond friendship, and they were truly happy for their friend but incredibly disappointed with his blindness, with both Kris and Yixing’s blindness actually. They were both dumb, but they would eventually notice each other. One day and finally be happy.

pg, kissfx fic event, day 5, 2015

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