Bloom [prompt #52] [2/2]

Mar 04, 2015 02:21

Well that was embarrassing. Why had he scrambled away? Yifan was acting like a teenage girl. It was just a simple contact. But he had to admit, the simple contact meant a lot to him. Feelings surged the moment Yixing's finger brushed his cheek that had jolted him away.

Yifan placed the wine on a dining table for two, a spot that was a little hidden from outsider's view. The utensils were already prepared earlier. Clean inverted wine glasses for two were already there so Yifan had took the initiative to pour the wine.

Yixing emerged from the kitchen, two plates of Fettuccine Carbonara in his hands and placed it on the table where Yifan was waiting for him. Being a gentleman Yifan was; even though he had acted like a teenager seconds ago. Yifan pulled the chair for Yixing who gladly sat on and said his thanks. "My pleasure," was Yifan's confident reply.

Their lunch went smoothly, Yixing was the one who talked more. Telling him stories from when he was younger. Yifan loved to listen to his stories.

"I remember when I was younger, I was so mischievous! There was this one time I tried sneaking out of the house but I fell from the gate I was climbing, so the whole household panicked. I was rushed to the hospital and unlucky enough since I tried to run away I was scolded instead of pitied. I didn't break any bones though, thankfully."

Yifan had really laughed at that. He can't imagine someone who looked as innocent as Yixing had his own share of mischief.

"What about you? Have any interesting stories when you were younger?" Yixing asked while absentmindedly twirling the now empty wine glass. "Nothing much. My parents were mostly busy when I was younger. I often stayed at home, with my grandmother." Yixing nodded. "Okay, I wont pry. You said something about.. Date? Just now? In the kitchen."

Yifan was thankful that he was not drinking or eating at that moment. He automatically straighten himself in his seat. Tensed. What if Yixing was going to say that today was just to keep his promise of teaching Yifan how to cook. He was insecure, again. Yifan tried to ignore the feeling. No turning back.

"Yes. I did."

Yixing smiled and nodded. "Well, lets make this into a real date? Shall we? We can tidy this up and go out for a real date. We don't have anything planned after all."

The smile that bloomed on Yifan's face made Yixing's heart skipped probably two beats, if that was even possible. "I will clean up, okay?" Yifan said, standing up and collecting Yixing's and his dirty plates and empty wine glasses to the kitchen.

This felt oddly domestic. Yixing never actually experienced a domesticated life with another person but he did watched movies. So this was how it probably felt. Yixing was smiling alone, imagining how it would be living with Yifan. Yixing would cook, Yifan would help and clean soon after. The thought was not so bad.

Yixing was broken out of his reverie when he heard the kitchen door open and close. It was a sign that Yifan was done. Yixing who was giddy for their impromptu date, rose from his seat and grabbed Yifan's hand. Like an excited child, he asked "Where are we going? Lets grab our things and get going!"

Yifan wasn't given the opportunity to respond as Yixing had dragged him to pick up their belongings, and dragged him out. Yifan, however was silently relishing the moment. How Yixing had bluntly grabbed his hand. How Yixing's hand seemed so tiny in his and the warmth of the latter's hand. It was overwhelming Yifan thought he could burst. Although he had chose to savor the moment.

Yixing had tossed his car keys to Yifan who was now back in reality and said, "you drive." Yixing was no longer holding his hand and they were now standing outside of Yixing's car. "Where are we going, first?" Yifan asked. Yixing had placed a finger on his chin, seemingly he was contrmplating where he wanted to go, "an ice cream parlour! Lets go! I know a good one!"

Yifan who was probably completely whipped by the latter's adorableness had no reason to object.

And so to the ice cream parlour they went.


"Does that hurt?" Yixing who was sitting opposite Yifan, licking his strawberry cheesecake ice cream off the pink plastic spoon asked Yifan with wide eyes, while pointing to his right ear. Yifan who was staring at how Yixing were happily eating his ice cream were a bit startled by the sudden question.

Yifan rejected Yixing's offer when the latter asked him what flavor he wanted because he wasn't fond of sweet things. Yifan even insisted to pay for Yixing's treat. Petty arguments were involved during the paying process. However, victory had belonged to Yifan, of course.

"What? This?" Yifan question Yixing back while pointing to his studded right ear. "Yeah, did it hurt when you got it pierced? I have always wanted to get a piercing. But I am kinda scared it would hurt." Yixing said whilst stabbing the ice cream in his paper cup. "Nah. It didn't hurt at all. I can bring you to the place I did my piercing before. If you really want to," Yifan convinced.

Yixing looked like he was contemplating for a while but Yifan was caught off guard when Yixing raised the pink plastic spoon on level with his face and said, "eat. Its not sweet." Yifan was shaking his head fervently, denying Yixing's offer. "No, thank you. I'll pass." Yixing was not having any of that instead, he used a different trick.

Yixing's eyes went droopy, and there was a whine in his voice when he said, "come on, give it a tasteeee! I promise you its not sweet! Come on, Yifan. Its starting to melt." That was what it took to break Yifan's resistance. All it took was a whine from Yixing and those eyes that had resembled a sad puppy. Yifan's resistance was definitely futile now when it comes to Yixing.

Dramatically, Yifan shut his eyelids and ate the ice cream that Yixing was insistent of. To his surprise, his taste buds liked it. It wasn't sweet. At all. Just creamy and a little bit tangy. "So dramatic." Yixing jokingly said. "Do you believe me? Its not sweet at all right?" Yixing enquired. "Yes I do. It tasted good." Yifan said which earned him a triumphant smile from Yixing.

"Therefore, lets go get my ear pierced." Yixing confidently said. "What? Now? Are you sure?" Yifan didn't want Yixing to regret his sudden decision. He might be sure now but who knows? He might regret it later. "You trusted me enough to eat the ice cream I was trying to feed you, right? Eventhough you don't like sweets. But you still ate it. You said it wouldn't hurt, right? I trust you. Lets go!"

Yixing once again grabbed hold of Yifan's hand and threw his now empty ice cream cup into the trash can. It was not that Yixing had not realised he was holding Yifan's hand. In fact, after he had felt how the latter's hand fit perfectly in his when he absentmindedly grabbed a hold of them earlier, he felt safe. He liked the feeling of having Yifan's hand in his. How the latter's gigantic hands enveloped nicely in his. How the spaces between their fingers fits nicely. That, Yixing had just realised as they were walking hand in hand out of the ice cream parlour.

Enjoying the afternoon breeze, walking back heading to where Yifan had parked Yixing's car, both of them walked in silence. A short lived silence when Yixing brought up their entwined hands and it had stopped Yifan from walking altogether. They were now standing on the pavement, people walked by casually and it was a fine, fine day.

"Don't you think this look perfect? See how they fit perfectly?" Yixing referred to their entwined hands and Yifan just wanted to melt right there and then, because Yixing was so fucking adorable. "Do you think so? If you ask me, yes. They look absolutely fitting." Was Yifan's best reply he could muster. "Then, what do you think of us? Do you think we would fit perfectly together like this, and look as perfect as this?" Yixing tightened his hold on Yifan's hand, tilting his head to match his gaze with Yifan.

Slowly, but surely Yifan's smile bloomed. Yixing was glad to see how Yifan had smiled. He had learnt that whenever the latter had that smile, it meant yes. "Yes?" Yifan said. Yixing was blushing madly, because hey. He literally had just asked Yifan out. In a way.

To Yixing's surprise Yifan pulled him into a hug. A warm, secured embrace. Yixing was in awe, he felt surges of feelings waved into him because does this meant something for both of them? It was then Yifan had whispered, "yes, I think we would be perfect. Either way." That was when Yixing was sure.

Yixing circled his arms around Yifan's waist, both not minding people who were staring. They were too occupied basking in their newly found happiness. Stranger's opinions does not really matter now. Yifan was the first one to loosen his embrace, and gazed lovingly at the shorter man, still in his arms. "Are you ready? It won't be as painful as you think it would be. I will be by your side. You ready?"

"As ready as I will ever be."


"No. What the hell was I thinking. I am not ready. At all." Yixing cowered when they had arrived at what seemed like a tattoo shop. "Hey, it's okay if you change your mind. It took me a month before I decided to get my piercings done."

"Piercings?" Yixing was surprised by the fact that the latter might have more than just one pierced hole. "Yeah, they are all on the ear." Yifan said, their hands were still securely entwined. "I don't know. Wait. You know what? Since we are here, lets just go for it. Its now or never right?" Yixing mustered all his confidence to say that. Yifan realised the slight tremble in Yixing's voice and how he tightened his hold on Yifan's hand.

"I'll support whatever your decision is going to be. I will be there for you." Yifan said while rubbing his thumb on Yixing's knuckles soothingly. "Lets go." Yixing said, confidently this time.


Seoul's skyline were beautiful during the evening. The roads packed with cars even though it was the weekend.

Yifan and Yixing were now in the car, Yixing humming to an unknown melody. Cruising leisurely, they were heading back to Yixing's apartment. Yifan insisted on sending Yixing back to his apartment despite needing to go through the trouble of getting a cab. His car was still parked at Yixing's restaurant parking lot after all. Yixing had complained. Insisting that it was too much of a trouble. But Yifan said Yixing's safety was much more important. It was more of an excuse tonspend more time Yixing, honestly. Yixing gave in soon after realising his efforts were futile.

"I cant believe theres a tiny hole on my earlobe." Yixing suddenly said. The whole process of getting his piercing went smoothly. They were lucky that they were the only ones there. They didn't have to set up an appointment. Yifan was by Yixing's side through the whole process which ended before Yixing had even realised. Holding his hands, telling him stories that helped in calming Yixing's nerves. "I told you its not going to be painful." Yifan made a left turn when Yixing's apartment building was in sight. "Yeah, it didn't. But it kinda stings now. It will be fine as long as I follow the after piercing care steps, right?"

"Yes. It will be fine. As long as you take good care of it, it won't get an infection. Don't worry." Yifan convinced, which had Yixing much more relieved. "I wonder what Sehun will think about this," Yixing said, while adjusting himself on the seat facing Yifan. "He will be shocked, thats for sure. And who knows he will probably get one soon after too." Yifan chuckled. "That sounds just like him. Oh, make a right turn! My parking space is over there." Yixing said while pointing towards a vacant parking space just opposite the elevator.

Both of them climbed off the car and walked hand in hand towards the elevator. "I called a taxi for you earlier, since you went through the trouble to see me off until here." Yixing said while smiling sweetly to Yifan and continued, "and oh! They will be here around thirty minutes time. Lets go up for the meantime." He said while he prodded the button that showed the going up arrow. "Thanks. You don't really have to." Yifan then said.

They both waited in silence. A silence that was comfortable enough even with no words were exchanged. They stepped into the elevator; still hand in hand. And Yixing immediately pressed the button to the twelfth floor. Yixing had his head gently laid on Yifan's right shoulder, basking in the latter's warmth. "Thank you for today, really. I enjoyed every single moment we spent today. You are indeed one pleasant companion, aren't you?" Yixing teasingly said while he moved and had his chin rested on Yifan's shoulder.

Yixing's proximity with Yifan's face was close and it had got Yifan caught off guard, when he turned to look at the latter. Yixing was so close, his words that he was meant to say stucked in his throat. He was staring at Yixing who had mirrored his expression. It was of genuine surprise, and Yifan had the urge to inch forward.

With Yixing up this close, Yifan thought he was beautiful. Alluring brown orbs, thick dark lashes. Sculpted nose, plush lips. Everything about Yixing was so inviting. Yifan could feel the tension between them, Yixing who still had his chin propped on Yifan's shoulder tensed.

Breaths were hold. Time felt like it was ceased. Distance got closer by an inch. And yes, right at that picture perfect moment. A loud 'ding' was heard. They were now at Yixing's floor. Yifan was the first to pull away from their too close distance. Followed by Yixing soon after. Both males' cheeks were tinted crimson. Yixing chuckled to lift the awkward atmosphere away, and dragged the bashful Yifan out from the almost shut elevator. They walked in silence through the hallway and Yixing stopped at a particular white painted door that had a plaque with 1290 written on it.

"Um, so. This is it I guess?" Yifan said, not wanting to let go of Yixing's hand. Yixing had his head hanged low. Staring at the tips of his sneakers. He was blushing madly, hence his reluctance to lift his head and face Yifan. Furthermore, he was about to say something that could probably change everything.

He gathered his courage, lifted his head up and steadily looked at Yifan straight in the eye. "At first, I had thought. Everything was going too fast. I have realised that the moment I met you, I was interested with you. I took advantage of my clumsiness, exchanged contact numbers with you and here I will selfishly say. I kept thinking about you and all I wanted was to meet you again as soon as possible. I am glad that everything that happened today, happened. I honestly felt happy when you were around. All I could think of was you, you and you. Therefore, let me just cut to the chase. Yifan, I like you. Maybe more than I should have. I am a straightforward person, so; do you like me?" Yixing had said everything like he had his words planned. Yifan was not wrong on how Yixing was good with his words. Yifan envied Yixing's confidence. And Yifan was thankful for his confidence. If Yixing never confessed, Yifan will probably go back and forth with his feelings. Juggling between his shyness and insecurities. He will never be brave enough to go as far as this.

That was why, Yifan was out of words. He liked Yixing, and Yixing liked him too. It felt ethereal. He had never felt this happy. "I am not good with words, but I can say this. I like you too. More than I ever expected when I first laid my eyes on you."

Yifan took the initiative to step closer. Their hands that were entwined before, finally separated from its rightful place. Yifan's right hand cupped Yixing's warm cheek gently. Eyes shut and distance closed, Yifan captured Yixing's lips in a soft and tentative gesture. He was not sure at first but Yixing had pressed forward into the kiss. Their lips danced in an unhurried rhythm. It was a gentle and passionate kiss. Yixing's lips were as soft as how it looked. Yixing had his arm circled around Yifan's waist. The kiss was sweet and felt like it was their first.

Yixing was glad how everything had turned out. Both of them now shared something special. Yixing pulled away the kiss gradually, and pulled Yifan into a tight hug. He was glad, really glad. "Thank you." Yixing whispered.

Time was not on their side as Yifan's thirty minutes was almost up. And neither of them wanted the cab driver to wait. With a last peck on Yixing's lips from Yifan, both of them reluctantly said their goodbyes. And Yixing only knocked the door to his apartment after Yifan was out of sight.

Two hearts were now content, unspoken words were spoken; elaborated by a kiss.


Yixing: Have you reached home safely?

Yifan: I have. What are you doing? (^ω^)

Yixing: Had dinner. Sehun cooked. Have you eaten yours? (;゜0゜)

Yifan: I ordered takeout before I reached home. Don't worry ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Yixing: Get some rest, okay? I will see you tomorrow. Good night, Yifan (ToT)/~~~ <3<3

Yifan: Good night, Yixing. xx


Yixing woke up the next day, remembering everything that happened the day before. Yesterday's event was still fresh on his mind. From the restaurant, ice cream parlour to the front door of his apartment. His confession.

Yixing buried his blushing face into one of his pillows when he remembered his confession. Where he had obtained the courage, he did not know. Above all, he was relieved that Yifan felt the same way. He wasn't sailing the ship by himself, after all.

He was relieved Sehun did not question him anything despite seeing how red Yixing was last night. He had only pestered Yixing about the new piercing and left Yixing's apartment after dinner.

Yixing climbed off his bed in search for Fluff who was still sleeping at its dedicated space in the living room. Yixing made his way to the kitchen to refill Fluff's food bowl. In the mean time, he prepared his tea and a simple breakfast and got himself ready for the day.


The next morning, after yesterday's eventful day with Yixing that still felt surreal Yifan woke up to an unpleasant message. It was from Chanyeol.

Chanyeol: Zitao is back in Seoul and he was looking for you. He asked me for your phone number though. I didn't give it to him of course.

What a way to start his morning, really. He didn't know why Zitao was looking for him, only now. It was the latter who left after all. Not paying any mind to it, Yifan ignored the thought. He didn't want any negative vibes to ruin his morning.

He then got up and made his way to the bathroom.


As usual, Yifan would stop by his favorite cafe shop. As for today, he stopped by Yixing's restaurant before he clocked in for work. He was lucky Yixing was already there in the restaurant, talking with one of his employees. Probably about something important judging by how serious Yixing looked.

Yixing's expression immediately brighten up when he heard the ring from the entrance and was greeted by the sight of Yifan. Yixing was in his work uniform, of course. Looking absolutely stunning. Yifan's heart skipped a beat remembering yesterday's event.

What Yifan did not expect was how Yixing jumped straight into his arms the moment he saw him. Yixing pulled Yifan by his vacant hand as the other was occupied with his cup of coffee after the brief hug and led him into what seemed like an office. Obviously Yixing's.

Yixing shut the door close and pecked Yifan square on the lips. He the whispered a I was waiting for you on Yifan's lips. Yifan had to place his coffee down on a nearby desk before he returned Yixing's peck, circling his arms on Yixing's narrow waist soon after. "Did you sleep well?" Yifan asked Yixing who was now absentmindedly tucking Yifan's hair that went astray back to its place. "Slept like a baby. How about you?" Yixing asked, voice filled with genuine care. "Same. Are you going to be busy today?" The question had Yixing's expression went sullen. "I am, sadly. I was going to ask you out for lunch today. But my staff had just told me we are having shortage on staffs today. So I cant clock off during lunch. Sorry." Yixing said, pouting.

The urge to kiss the pout away was strong and so, Yifan did. Yifan felt how Yixing's lips transitioned into a smile during the kiss and he was relieved. "Hey, its okay. Smile. Frowning doesnt suit you." Yifan playfully said after they pulled away from the kiss. "I have to go now. See you? When I see you? Text me if you need anything. You can meet me at my office anytime you want. I will text you my department floor." Yifan said and pinched Yixing's cheek, stretching them in an effort to resemble a smile. Yixing slapped Yifan's hand away and gave Yifan a smile willingly. The kind of smile where Yixing's dimple was prominent, and made Yifan's heart race and knees weak.

"I'll make sure to text you when I'm not busy. We can meet then. Okay?" Yixing said. Yifan nodded in reply.

Yixing had seen Yifan off from his restaurant. Once Yixing was back in, he was greeted by a scowling Sehun. Arms on his chest, crossed. Yixing visibly gulped because he knew what he had caught himself into.

"So you and mister handsome are now dating and you did not tell me anything at all. I'm okay." Sehun said to Yixing in a mocked hurt expression. "Aw babycakes. Hyung forgot to tell you. Sorry, okay? I will tell you everything in detail after work. Now lets start preparing, shall we?" Yixing said while pushing Sehun who was trying to throw a tantrum back into the kitchen.

He will have to deal with Sehun for the rest of the day.


Yifan went out with Chanyeol for lunch that afternoon. Yifan went into details on his progress with Yixing. Chanyeol was genuinely happy for his best friend who finally had developed something with Yixing. Though Yifan did not mention what was the status between them but Yifan had assured that they were now something more. More than friends.

Yifan and Chanyeol had finished eating, leisurely chatting while they sipped their coffees. They were dining at an outdoor restaurant while they had enjoyed the stunning view nature had to offer. Flowers blooming everywhere, making the city looked magical. It looked as if the city was a blooming concrete jungle. It was almost the end of spring though. The temperature was perfect. Not too cold or warm.

It was then during the brief silent where Chanyeol brought up the topic about Zitao. "He called me yesterday. Told me he's back in Seoul and that he wanted to meet you. He compelled me asking for your phone number. I was like, no bro. No can do. I straight up told him that you did not want anything to do with him anymore. I guess he was just trying to get you back? I don't get it. Why now, though?" Chanyeol grimaced slightly. Wasn't hoping any answer for his rhetorical question.

"I cant think of any reason too, though. Im hoping he won't suddenly turn up at my workplace. That would be horror. I don't bear any grudge over him. I don't feel like seeing him anymore. It was just that." Yifan replied. Tracing the rim of his now empty coffee cup absentmindedly while working his brains to think of a reason. He could not think of any.

"Nevermind. Lets go. Lunch hour is almost over." Chanyeol said as he waved for the waiter and requested for the bill.

Yifan suddenly felt something bad was going to happen. And he did not know what it was. He didnt want to dwell and so, he shrugged off the sudden anxiety.


It has been two months since Yixing's confession. Their relationship had been doing fine. All of their acquaintances were aware of their relationship. However, their relationship was on and off. They went onto dates for a couple of times and slept at each other's place when they were too tired to go back to their respective home from their date. That was their only progress in the span of two month. It was rather inevitable. Both of them were busy lately. Spending more time with each other was not an option as their respective jobs awaits. However they both knew their affections towards each other were not affected by that. Or so they have thought.

Since it was the mark of their two month anniversary from when they have merged into something more than friends, Yifan had exclusively reserved a table for two at a french cuisine restaurant. The place was popular for its romantic ambience and Yifan had thought that it was completely relevant to celebrate a day as meaningful as their two month anniversary. It was not a fancy restaurant. But it had the perfect atmosphere and good food. That was enough for both of them.

"Happy two monthsary," Yifan said while lifting his champagne flute for a toast. "Cheers. Here's to more months or maybe years ahead of us." Yixing said.

To be honest, Yifan still felt insecure sometimes. He knew everything should not be rushed since time was not on their side. What made Yifan insecure was how they never exchanged words of love. Sure, they liked each other and their relationship could be labelled as romantic. But aside from going out for dates, exchanging good night kisses that was all to their relationship. Yifan wanted to say those three meaningful words but he was not sure how Yixing would react. Since the latter have never said it himself. Yifan's insecurities led him doubting their relationship. He never voiced any of his thought. Enjoying all the time he could spent with Yixing. He did not want to lose Yixing. Probably staying silent was the best. Maybe it was cowardly of him. But if it meant situating the relationship at risk, he'd rather stay silent as long as he could.

They were engaged in a conversation about how their days had went. They could not meet for the past two weeks. Yixing was busy with caterings, Yifan was busy with his work too. There was barely any chance for them to leisure.

"Would you like to go on a trip? Im closing the restaurant for a week starting next week. I guess we needed the well deserved rest. We were really occupied these previous weeks, as you can see," Yixing hopefully said. Yifan didn't miss the glint in Yixing's eyes when the latter had said the word trip. "I.. Would love to. Work really hinders me. Workloads seem to double up recently. I could barely make time for myself. I will see what I can do, yeah?" Yifan said as he reached for Yixing's right hand that was resting on the table. Disappointment was clear on Yixing's features. Yifan realised the latter was trying to school his expression to one of nonchalance. Although the disappointment was unclouded. "I'm sorry, okay? I told you frowning does not suit you. You're making me feel bad. Smile, yeah? I will see what I can do." Yifan brought Yixing's hand that the latter had placed on the clothed table onto his lips and gently kissed it. Yixing's expression brightened up slightly. "I just want the best for both of us. You're clearly overworking. Don't mind me. The trip was just a suggestion. I just thought you and I might need it." Yixing said, clearly understanding Yifan's inability to spend their time together.

It was then when they were interrupted by a stranger's voice, "Yixing hyung?" Yixing who heard his name instinctively turned towards the source of that oddly familiar voice. On the side of their table, a handsome tanned man dressed neatly was standing. The man's expression resembled glee, and the way he was looking at Yixing made Yifan shifted in his seat. "Jongin?! Oh my God! It has been years! How are you?" Yixing who was obviously ecstatic stood up and enveloped Jongin in a tight hug which the latter returned. Equally tight. A little intimate to Yifan's liking.

Yixing had loosened the hug although Jongin's arms was still on Yixing's waist. Yifan did not like what he sees and pretended to be busy with his phone. "I'm fine, hyung. Can't be here for too long! I need to go now. Oh, can I have your contact number?" Jongin said. He was clearly rushing judging by his tone. Yixing was keying in his number on Jongin's phone when the latter noticed Yifan. "Oh, you have company. Sorry. I'm Jongin. Yixing and I used to attend the same dancing class." Jongin extended a hand which Yifan took and they shared a brief handshake. "Yifan." Yifan said albeit coldly.

Yixing who noticed the tension in Yifan's voice quickly handed Jongin's phone back to its owner. Jongin landed a kiss on Yixing's cheek before waving goodbye and made his way out in a haste.

Yixing was taken aback by the brief contact but was not bothered by it. That was just Jongin being Jongin. However, Yifan who had witnessed everything was boiling. "Rather intimate, I see?" Yifan said with a rather sarcastic tone. Yixing who noticed the change in his tone sighed. "He has always been like that. Just like Sehun." Yifan didn't want to cause a scene or whine like a brat. But Jongin made him insecure. How he could drape himself over Yixing easily like that. "I wonder next time who will suddenly pop out out of nowhere, claiming as your old friend and touch you easily like that." Yifan's voice was laced with poison and insecurities. Yixing knew he had to stop this. "Let's call this a day, shall we? You must be exhausted. And no, I am not that easy if you're wondering." Yixing said and abruptly stood up intending to make his way out of the restaurant as soon as possible. He felt the air was restricting. He could barely breathe.

Yifan settled the bill and made his way out of the restaurant. Regretting what he had said to Yixing. He didn't mean it. Anger and jealousy had won him over. The ride home was quiet, the air was laced with tension. The only sound between them was from the radio that had played songs about heartbreak and jealousy.

That night, there were no sweet words exchanged. No warm hugs. No goodnight kisses. It was a chilly night. Backs turned away, no words exchanged. It was as if the flowers had stopped blooming. Maybe, just maybe. It was temporary.


"I didnt mean it. I was just.. Jealous?" Yifan had taken a five minute break and called Chanyeol. He went into details about what had happened last night. Yifan was getting headaches, documents scattered all over his desk. He needs coffee.

"You should have not said anything like that though," Chanyeol retorted. Clearly disapproving Yifan's choice of words. "Okay, okay. I was at fault. I have been working overtime since then. Yixing wanted to go on a trip. I will surprise him and apologise to him altogether. I guess he was pretty mad. He didn't answer any of my calls. He only replied one of my texts though. He said he needed time." Yifan sighed. He missed Yixing already. "You should. He needs it. By the time your work is done, surprise him. Say you will bring him to the trip that he wanted. I am sure he will be feeling better by then."

"Yeah. I gotta go. Work awaits. Bye and thanks," Yifan said.

"Anytime, bro."


It has been three days since Yixing met Yifan. And honestly, he missed the latter. However, Yixing was stubborn. He'd rather sulk at home, pigging out with all the junk foods he found in his kitchen. Stuffing his face with ice creams while watching some sappy Chinese drama. He wears all the baggy shirt he wants, paired with boxers. He didn't mind that he looked like shit. At least Fluff was there with him. He didn't felt so lonely.

Yixing was leisurely sitting on his sofa. Flipping through channels and he soon settled with a western cooking show. Fluff was sleeping next to him. Yixing mindlessly caressed Fluff's puffy cream colored fur. He realised the canine needs some extra grooming.

Yixing's mind travelled back to what happened during their two month anniversary. Yifan was clearly jealous. He saw it and he felt it. Yixing had been thinking about it. If it happened to be Yifan was the one who were engaged into a sudden intimacy with someone who was a stranger to Yixing, he'd be fuming. Yixing was convinced that if Yifan did not care about him, the latter would stay passive.

Does jealousy not mean love? Yixing was sure when jealousy rose, it meant there was some intense feelings going on.

"Maybe I should go and meet him," Yixing recalled how Yifan said he could visit him anytime in his office. And of course, he still kept the address.

Yixing checked the time and it was almost lunch hour. He decided to pack up some lunch for Yifan. Considering how Yifan have been so busy lately, he was sure that the latter was not eating properly.

It will surely surprise him, Yixing chuckled to himself. Already imagining the look of surprise from Yifan. Maybe, just maybe. This will fix their relationship back to how they used to be.


Yifan did not realised it was lunch hour when he heard a knock on his door. It could not be his secretary. She must have went out for lunch. Moreover, his secretary never knocks the door that loud. Still puzzled, Yifan granted permission to whoever that was knocking on his office door. Chanyeol would have informed beforehand if he was coming to visit. It could not be Yixing. Yifan was aware how the latter still did not want to talk to him.

A mop of blond hair was the first thing that Yifan noticed once the stranger made his way in. The stranger was dressed fashionably. Accessories here and there. A little bit too much to Yifan's liking, really.

It was not really a stranger when the person lifted his head in greeting. "Hello, long time no see." It was Zitao. Yifan almost did not recognise the latter. He was different than how he used to be. He was now more fashionable, and confidence were oozing out from him.

It was a surprise, indeed. Only if it was a pleasant one, that is. "What business do you have here?" Yifan asked, coldly. "You. We have an unsettled one, don't we?" Yifan stood up and walked towards his sofa. Signalling for the latter to have a seat on the opposite side. However, Zitao decided that sitting adjacent to Yifan was more comfortable. "Unsettled business? As in what?" Yifan did not want to beat around the bush but honestly he was tired. Zitao was child like. He liked games. It was similar like how he had left without a proper explanation. And now he claimed that they had an unsettled business. Laughable, really. "I want to continue what we had left before." Zitao said as if it was the easiest thing in the world. Yifan who realised Zitao who was too close, inched away. He was clearly uncomfortable with the close proximity. "There is no 'we' in us anymore. The moment you stepped out from my life, that was it."

"But I love you!" Yifan chuckled at that. People say the word easily. Do they even know what it meant? "Don't say you 'love' me when you were the one who left. You had another man with you when you were with me. I am not a fool." At that, Zitao visibly gulped. "Yes, you were not. But I was. I was a fool. I came all the way here to reconcile. I want to continue what we had." Zitao stubbornly said. Face schooling an expression of regret. But Yifan was not having any of it. "Please, leave. I do not hold any grudge towards you. The moment you left, that was it. We are done. Theres nothing to continue." Yifan said, equally stubborn and he was trying to make his point clear and Zitao was seriously not having any of that. Zitao stood up abruptly and was now facing Yifan who was still sitting on the sofa, towering over him. Out of the blue, Zitao pressed his lips on Yifan's forcefully. He knew Zitao was impatient and stubborn but he did not expect the latter to act so daring. Yifan was immobilized. Not knowing what exactly was happening when his mind finally registered that Zitao was actually kissing him rather forcefully. What the fuck. Yifan was trying to push Zitao away. However luck was not on his side.

He heard a loud thud on the doorway. A man was standing by the door. Tupperwares of food fell on the carpeted floor. Instinctively both men; Yifan and Zitao, had their heads turned. Looking at the man who was standing at the door. The man had a look of utter disappointment and his eyes were teary. The said man shook his head fervently as if trying to deny what he had just seen.

The man was no other than Yixing.


Yixing was waiting for the elevator. He was carrying a packed lunch for no other than Yifan. Yixing didn't waste any second when the elevator arrived. Yifan's department floor was on the eleventh.

Yixing did not know what to expect when he made his way towards Yifan's office. He was thankful for the signs of direction. He would have gotten lost.

His heart was beating unusually fast. He really did not know what to expect. Would Yifan accept him with open arms? Or would he not speak with him. Yixing was nervous for no concrete reason. He just felt it.

Yixing was now standing in front of a tall and sturdy wooden black door, Yifan's name was on it. It was weird how Yixing had found the door slightly ajar. With a confident motion, he pushed the door open.

Only to find Yifan with another man. On top of him, kissing him. Yixing's grip on the bag of packed food that he was carrying loosen and soon after, Yixing had let go of it completely.

He was completely devastated. He did not believe what he was seeing. Tears pricked in his eyes, his knees went weak. He could feel himself trembling. Shaking his head fervently, denying what he had witnessed.

Yifan who noticed Yixing's presence was shocked. Meanwhile the man who had kissed Yifan earlier eyed Yixing in confusion. Yixing's logical side of mind convinced him that what he had witnessed was non consensual, by the look of it. At least on Yifan's side.

However, anger had clouded his vision. All he wanted was to run away. Away from Yifan and the unknown man. He had never felt so humiliated before. He did not know why. He does not even know the logical reason for being humiliated. Probably because he had went there to reconcile with the man he loved.

Loved? Yixing was not sure.


"Who was that?" Zitao asked Yifan who was now statured in his position. He wanted to chase after Yixing but Zitao was keeping him in place. The latter harshly tugged Yifan's hand.

"You want to know who's that?" Yifan said in a menacing tone. Eyes fixed on the spot where Yixing had stand. "That is the man I love. The man that I know will never leave me without a word. The man that genuinely cared for me. Also, that person. That person who just fucking left, is the one I want to spend forever with. Let me tell you one last fucking time. There is no 'we' in us. There is nothing left to pursue between us. The moment you left, we are done. I have no affection towards you left. I do not hold any grudge either. So please, fucking leave." Zitao didnt say anything. He released his grip on Yifan's hand harshly and stomped away. With a final goodbye, he slammed the door shut.


Yixing managed to reach home safely despite the fact his sight were blurred due to his tears. He had seeked comfort in his bed. His tears had not stop falling ever since he reached home. He wanted to bawl, scream and cuss at Yifan. But he was not that weak.

The fact that he was even crying his heart out was enough to say how much he loved Yifan. Yixing's pillow was his only refuge. His tears were collected by the pillow. Yixing never knew that heartbreak could be this painful.

Yixing had ignored all texts and calls from Yifan. The last message that he saw was drive safely, please. I am sorry. What you saw is not what you think.

What else should Yixing think of then? The stranger was just an old friend? An intimate one at that. That Yifan allowed to kiss him easily, on the lips even? So much for jealousy when Jongin only kissed him on the cheek.

Yixing did not want to think of what was going to happen to his and Yifan's relationship. He just wanted to sleep. He was tired. Terribly exhausted.


Yifan was worried sick. Yixing did not pick up any of his calls. Of course he wouldn't. He didnt expect otherwise but he needed to give it a chance. Even if he knew the result would disappoint.

He had called Chanyeol. Explaining what had happened. Yifan needed his help. He need to check on Yixing. Chanyeol's only resolution was to ask Baekhyun for Sehun's number.

Hence, the reason why he was sitting in a cafe not far from Yixing's apartment that evening was to meet Sehun. Yifan had desperately begged the younger to Yixing's spare apartment key. Which, Sehun had coerced Yifan into telling him what happened.

Sehun had reluctantly gave Yifan the key after he contemplated for a good fifteen minutes after he had listened to Yifan's story. Sehun was pissed at first. But when he heard Yifan's explanation. He gave in. Yixing was more important after all.

"Thanks. And im sorry for calling you out." Yifan said with regret. "It's okay. Just work everything out with Yixing hyung. You know how much he likes you."

And so, with heart full of hope Yifan made his way out of the cafe and to his car that was parked outside. He was determined to make everything to how it was supposed to be. He was sure this time.


Yifan was now standing in front of 1291. Heart beating frantically. He carefully positioned the key into the keyhole. Twisting the metal until a click was heard. Yifan took a long deep breath before he made his way into Yixing's hallway. To his surprise, the apartment was completely dark. He had to switch on the lights on the hallway. He was sure Yixing was home as his shoes were on the entrance.

Yifan saw Fluff sleeping on the couch and did not want to wake the sleeping canine. He sauntered along the path that leads to Yixing's bedroom.

Yixing's bedroom was completely dark aside from the night lamp that were left on. Yifan quickened his pace to check on Yixing after he had shut the door gently. Not wanting to interrupt Yixing's sleep.

Yixing was sleeping soundly. Yifan felt relieved because by the look of it, Yixing looked fine. Yifan known that Yixing had slept his emotions away as dry streaks of tears were evident on his cheeks. Yifan's heart breaks just by the thought that he was the reason for it.

"I'm sorry," Yifan said and leaned in closer to plant a kiss on Yixing's tear streaked cheeks.

Yixing was a light sleeper and that had caused him to stir and woke up soon after. He had blinked his eyes open. Confusion written all over his face. When he had realized it was Yifan, he immediately shot up. Anger was now painting his once calm and beautiful sleeping face.

"What do you want," Yixing said coldly. It was more to a statement than a question. "I wanted to explain. And apologise. If you are willing to listen; no. Please, listen. I have so much to tell you." Yifan said. He was kneeling on the floor. Guilt was evidence in his voice to the point Yixing could hear desperation in it.

Yixing was staggered, his defence crumbling listening to how Yifan was pleading. He was wrong after all. He was weak when it concerned Yifan. Yixing was not egoistic. For that, he had silently pulled Yifan from his kneeling position and instructed the latter to sit on his bed. "Speak. I'm all ears," Yixing said while looking down at his hands that he placed on his lap.

"I wanted to apologise. Directly. Like this.. About what happened at the restaurant. I was careless. I am sorry. About what happened today, I am sorry too." Yifan who sat with his back facing Yixing, took a deep breath before he continued. "The man you saw today was Zitao. He's my ex. He left me for another guy a few years back and departed to China. He left me without a proper explanation. I was not distraught by it though. When he left, I realised that I liked him. I did not love him. Therefore, I was fine with him leaving. He was back in Korea, Chanyeol had told me a few months back. But I did not pay any mind to it. And all of a sudden he came to my office today, claimed that he wanted me back, told me he loved me. When I refused, that thing.. Uh.. Happened. The one you saw. I did not expect him to do that. At all. I am sorry you had to see that. It must have been unpleasant." Yifan desisted. "But I want you to know something else. I told him, that you are the one I love. You are the one I want to spend forever with." Soon after Yifan said that, he felt the bed dip and Yixing was now standing and facing him.

Yixing cupped Yifan's cheek and looked at him straight in the eye. "Say it again,"

Yifan was confused. "Um, which part?"

Yixing was smiling then. Broadly. The grimace that was haunting his face had vanished. His eyes bright, his right cheek dimpled. Yifan longed for this smile. The smile that brightened his world.

"The last part, dummy," Yixing said.

"Oh.. Well.. I love you. And I want to spend forever with you." Yifan said. Expression bright. He then knew Yixing had forgiven him.

The light was dim, but it was enough for both of them to gaze into each other's warm orbs. Relishing the moment. The tension was evident as Yixing inched closer to Yifan. Yixing's scent was clouding Yifan's mind. Yifan was eager to taste Yixing's soft and supple lips. Yixing beat him to it however as the latter captured Yifan's lips, slowly but surely. Yixing runs his fingers through Yifan's hair. Yifan relished the moan that was emitted by Yixing when he rubbed his back, going further down.

Yixing had straddled Yifan as their kiss went deeper and both were clouded with lust. The low humming of Yixing's air conditioning could not be heard anymore as their moans were getting louder.

"I love you, so so much," Yixing said as they parted for air. Forehead sticky with sweat. It wasn't long until Yixing had captured Yifan's lips with his once again. Gently pushing Yifan's broad shoulder to lay on his bed. Yifan was still straddled by Yixing. He had felt Yixing's deft fingers working on his buttons. Yixing had parted from the kiss and urged Yifan to remove his shirt and so he did. Yixing scanned Yifan's toned chest and he realised that he was blushing.

"Let me do everything, okay?" Yifan gently said as he kissed Yixing gently on his warm cheek. Yifan sat up with Yixing still on his lap and pulled the latter's shirt over his head. Yixing was beautiful. His skin was pale and he had a lean body. And he was evidently smaller than Yifan now that we was shirtless. Yifan placed another kiss on Yixing's cheek and moved further down while he peppered feathery soft kisses all over Yixing's pale neck and protruding collarbones.

Yixing was laid on his back gently by Yifan. They had undressed each other and were both naked. Yifan was on top, relishing the beauty that is Yixing before he leaned down again to capture Yixing's lips, hurriedly and tongue involved. After Yifan had parted from the sensual kiss, he had went further down and teased Yixing's hardening nipples on his chest with his tongue. Yixing moaned shamelessly and warned Yifan. "Dont tease," Yixing had said. Breath shaky.

Yifan continued further down until his face was levelled with Yixing's hardening cock. "You dont have to," Yixing said. Yifan paid no mind into what he had said and had kissed his sturdy thighs instead. "Just relax," Yifan said as he inched his face lower to Yixing's hardening cock, he had sucked the head gently and teased the slit. Yixing's moans had encourage him to go deeper and he had quickened his pace, sucking Yixing off.

Yixing was cursing, he had ran his fingers through Yifan's hair which had caused Yifan to engulf him in whole. Yixing was not thinking straight. All he wanted then was Yifan to be inside of him. Yixing had pulled Yifan up when he had felt the stimulation was too overwhelming. Yixing claimed Yifan's lips in a kiss once again, tasted himself on Yifan's lips and moaned into the kiss when their erections brushed. "I need you," Yixing said breathlessly.

Yifan rummaged the top drawer that was on Yixing's bedside in search of lube as he had told him. He climbed back to his position, in between Yixing's legs that were spread wide for him. He uncapped the lube and poured out sufficient amount on his fingers.

He then had gently spread his legs wider and positioned his long finger on Yixing's hole. Slowly, he inserted his finger into Yixing's tight hole. Yifan hovered over him who had his eyes shut on the sudden intrusion. Yifan then kissed him gently to distract him from the discomfort.

Yixing was fully stretched and Yifan had parted away from the kiss. Yifan was slathering lube on his erection while Yixing was watching. Lust and desire was now clouding over Yixing's gaze. Yifan positioned himself on Yixing's entrance and thrusted himself in slowly, inch by inch. Yixing had pulled him down by his neck, kissing him gently as Yifan thrusted deeper into him with a slow pace.

When Yixing caged his legs around Yifan's waist, it was a sign for him to go steady and so he did. Lips never leaving Yixing's, his hands had gently caressed Yixing's sides.

Yixing's moan had gotten louder matching with Yifan's quickening pace. He had moaned exceptionally louder when Yifan had hit the spot that painted his vision white. And so, Yifan lifted Yixing's right leg and hung them on his shoulder, gaining better access to Yixing's spot. Yixing's tightness and Yifan's angled thrusts had both of them moaning out loud due to the intense pleasure.

Yixing was close. He was moaning Yifan's name over and over and Yixing was so beautiful under him. Cheeks painted red, pale skin glistened with sweat. Yixing was showered by the glow of moonlight that had seeped in. He looked ethereal.

They were so close, and it was Yixing who came first and Yifan came shortly after inside of him.

Yifan had once again claimed Yixing's lips with a gentle peck, and murmured Ilove you so much, Yixing on Yixing's now red lips from their shared kisses.

Yixing had just gazed at him lovingly, both relishing the sweet moment. "I love you too, Wu Yifan."

They had fell asleep in each other's arms after they cleaned themselves. Enjoying each other's presence. Their hearts finally beats at the same pace and they were sure about their feelings, about everything. About them.


Yixing felt a pair of eyes on him and peeked an eye open. He then remembered what had happen last night when he saw Yifan smiling next to him. "Good morning, love." He said. Yixing blushed when last night's event flashed on his mind. He made an attempt to hide his blushing face in the crook of Yifan's neck. "Good morning to you to," Yixing replied, albeit shyly.

Yifan then knew why the latter was blushing. He must have had remembered last night's events. Yifan chuckled and pulled Yixing closer by his bare waist, and buried his face into Yixing's hair. "Can I say something?" He asked and he felt Yixing's hold on his back tightened. "Sure,"

"You know how flowers bloom? They bloom when it is their season to show off their beauty. And I think.. I think our love is like a flower, and it is now blooming." Yifan said shyly and Yixing giggled. "Flowers? You're cute."

"Wait. I'm not done yet. Okay, so.. However, flowers.. Eventually they will wilt and lose their beauty. They will eventually die too. I.. I want our love to last. I want it to stay blooming. I want to shower you with love for as long as I live." Yifan said. He had never felt something like this. He felt whole. Yixing was his missing piece. He wanted to cherish this forever.

"I will stay by your side, through thick and thin." Yixing said, and he meant every word he had said.

The sun was shining brightly, rays of sunlight seeped through the curtains. The glow had surrounded the room, giving life to it. The moment itself was ethereal. Yixing snuggled into Yifan's chest. Yixing could hear his heartbeat, beating steadily. Yixing had wanted to stay in Yifan's arm forever. He felt secure.

After all, all they needed was each other.


day 10, kissfx fic event, nc-17, 2015

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