All flowers need shadows [prompt #14]

Mar 04, 2015 02:11

Title: All flowers need shadows
Prompt: #14
Length: 3,105 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: hades & persephone au
Summary: Yifan doesn’t care that Yixing’s mother is protective, he doesn’t care that the land of the living will perish without him. He couldn’t care less about all this. Yixing is all he wants.
Notes: this is a tragic mess. i’m so deeply sorry.

The agreement was that Yifan wouldn’t return to the upper world. He was to stick to his own domain, his valley of shadows and lost souls - the last destination of humankind. For a while it was enough, it’s been enough for ages. Yet recently he’s been feeling kind of void. Like something is missing. Maybe he is missing the light after so many years of heart wrenching cold and solitude. It’s not like he’s the only one in the whole wide underworld. He’s just feeling like it.

That’s why he boards the boat.

“Master,” says Minseok, his ferryman. Minseok isn’t used to carrying people to the world of living. It’s always the other way around. “May I ask?”

Yifan sighs, entwining his hands behind his back. “I’m paying my brother a little visit.”

“Which one, sir?”

“The youngest.”

There’s silence for a while, then Minseok is clearing his throat before shifting the paddle to the other side. “Why not take the other way? I’m afraid I won’t be able to take you straight to the Olympus.”

“I know that. Going past Cerberus would be a lot more troublesome.”

Minseok snorts. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind your presence.”

Yifan snickers, “Are you kidding me? He would’ve created a ruckus, that dog.”

“He just misses you, Master.”

The land of the living has changed since the last time Yifan was allowed to roam (he’s still not allowed, but). There are large, wooden constructions now in place of the wide fields he’d grown accustomed to. The people are busier, running from place to place like ants. It’s still beautiful, though, never fails to amaze him.

He finds a flower field near the Olympus, a wide one. So wide he can’t see the end of it, well-cared for and colorful, blooming with life. Yifan didn’t even notice how much he’d missed a view like that. He walks around, taking in every bit of color spreading in stripes across the meadow. If he tugs his memory a bit the names will come back to him -- daisies, tulips, the little white ones he knows, but can’t recall the given name.

Amid forcing his dusty brain engines to work on that white flower name, petals of another kind shower him. He startles, blue petals falling from his shoulders and hair when he turns around to face a young man -- a boy, actually -- wavy, naturally messy hair looking so bright Yifan might have been blinded by the light emanating from him. Should a human shine that bright? Is he a god? Demi? Who is he?

“Oh. Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” says the boy smiling apologetically. He carries a basket filled with flowers of all kinds.

Yifan blinks. “No, it’s fine. It was my fault, actually, I should have announced myself.”

The boy hums and says, “I’ve never seen you around.”

“That’s because I don’t come here often.” Yifan explains, tilting his head a little. This person is here, in this wide field nearly out of the land of the living and all by himself. Yifan’s presence should scare him, give him some chills and his survival instinct should have kicked in by now.

Instead, the boy grins, hugging his flower basket. “Nice to meet you then. I’m Yixing.”

Yixing. “Beautiful name. I’m Yifan.”

“Yifan.” Yixing tests out, eyes narrowing slightly. “I think I’ve heard about you. You’re not supposed to be here, are you?”

He chuckles, downing his eyes because Yixing is giving him a look that’s far too cute from what Yifan can handle. “Not really.”

Yixing nods, the corners of his mouth stretching further as he turns to glance at the flowers surrounding them. “Say, Yifan, what do you think of my babies?”


“My flowers. They’re all mine. I take care of them since I was little. My mama says I’ll be taking care of trees and whole forests soon, when she retires.”

Yifan squints. The petals suddenly falling all over him. A wide, endless field seeming too large for a human to take care all by himself. That’s when it hits him. “Oh… You’re Spring’s son.”

“That’s my mama.” Yixing laughs, and it sounds like pure joy, so honest and genuine. Something grips at his chest, burns. Something he’s never felt before. He tries to reach for it, but all he can touch is the fabric of his chiton.

“You’re doing a nice job.” his voice comes out quite weak, and he hopes he doesn’t look as pathetic as he feels.

“You’re too kind.” Yixing smiles, holding the basket out for Yifan. “Do you want them? I was collecting some for my siblings, but then I get them flowers everyday.”

“Oh no, don’t bother. Give them to someone who will add to their beauty.” he lightly touches one of the flowers that’s almost falling out of the basket with the pads of his fingers circling the petals.

“That’s why I thought you could take a few.” Yixing giggles before pulling the flower out and handing it to Yifan. “I need to go, Yifan. I hope we can meet again.”

Yifan stares at the flower -- it’s one of the whites he can’t remember the name --, then lifts his head and watches the boy walk away until he’s out of sight.

“I hope so too…” he whispers, the name echoing in his mind just like the burn in his chest that won’t cease. Yixing. Yixing.


It’s embarrassing enough to barge into your younger brother’s house uninvited, even more is to beg for something. On your knees.

“Kyungsoo, I’m begging you.” Yifan pleads. “I need to have him.”

Kyungsoo has always been wise, a bit selfish, but reasonable. Yifan figures he won’t have to beg too much, considering Kyungsoo still respects him as an elder brother.

“You see, brother, that’s my offspring you’re asking for.” Kyungsoo says. “His mother is quite protective, she won’t let him go.” he stands up from his throne, walking right past Yifan's humiliating position on the ground toward a fruit bowl on the table. Guessing there’s no reason left for him to keep kneeling, Yifan stands up as well, following his younger brother. “Spring doesn’t have much time left, she’s passing it all to her son.”

Maybe the fact that he doesn’t care about all the crap surrounding Yixing and his duty as the new Spring God is the actual reason why he was the one bound to the underworld. He couldn’t have gotten the seas or the skies because he doesn’t care enough to be their overlord. Yifan doesn’t care that Yixing’s mother is protective, he doesn’t care that the land of the living will perish without him. He couldn’t care less about all this. Yixing is all he wants.

“I have been locked up for ages,” he starts. “I kept my part of the bargain, didn’t I? I sacrifice myself everyday for all of your sakes.”

“You’re the oldest, brother. That’s exactly what you’re supposed to do.” his brother frowns, popping a grape into his mouth.

“Yeah? Then pay me some respect. I want Spring’s son, and I shall have him.”

Kyungsoo stares at him as he chews, probably wondering what damages Yifan could cause if denied.

“Alright.” the younger sighs. “Alright. We must plan this carefully, Spring can’t suspect anything.”


Yifan returns the next day, having planned all things with Kyungsoo previously. He visits the garden, sitting on the grass and among the flowers, waiting -- hoping that Yixing will show up. He does indeed, and Yifan sits quietly, waits for his moment. The last thing he wants is to scare him.

Yixing looks even more beautiful than what Yifan remembers, his beige vests seem to work in favor of all the light that radiates from him. Yifan is nearly blinded. It takes a few moments until the boy notices him, eyebrows arching and mouth stretching in a smile. Yifan stands up, patting dirt off his clothes before walking toward the boy.

"You're back," Yixing mentions, arms securing the same basket he carried the other day. "It must be getting easy to escape the underworld these days."

Yifan chuckles, "It's my domain, I leave whenever I want."

The boy frowns, "You said yourself that you're not supposed to be here."

"Yeah, but," My brother and I came to an agreement concerning you, in which I can snatch you from the arms of your loving mother and make you my companion in the Valley of the Afterlife. Instead, Yifan shrugs and completes: "I'm not used to playing by the rules."

Much to Yifan's surprise, Yixing breaks in laughter. He does that cute thing where he covers his mouth with his hand, and if Yifan wasn’t already smitten, he’d be instantaneously hooked.

“Did you come for the flowers?” he asks once the laughter ceases.

Yifan crosses his arms, “Yeah. I’m here for the flowers.”

Yixing hums, slowly walking away, basket hanging from a hand while the other inspects the flowers. Yifan follows him, careful to keep his distance.

“They look lively,” he says. “There aren’t many flowers in my domain.”

The boy gasps, turning around to face Yifan with wide eyes. “There aren’t flowers?”

“The ones who walk into the underworld don’t exactly worry about such matters.” Yifan explains and shrugs.

“Maybe your ferryman should take flowers instead of coins.” Yixing jokes, mouth stretching in a little smile. Yifan squints, licking his lips and figuring this is the perfect time to put his plan in action.

“Or,” he starts, reaching for the basket and picking a yellow flower. Yixing watches him attentively, eyes dancing across Yifan’s face. “You could bring some flowers over. That place could use some decoration.”

The other falters, mouth opening in uncertainty. He inspects his surroundings seemingly afraid that someone might have overheard. “I could give you some.” he hands Yifan the basket. “You can take these and carry them to your domain.”

“I’m afraid they won’t last long with me,” he frowns. “it would be good if you came yourself.”

“Uh,” Yixing quickly looks down, fingers fidgeting with the fabric of his chiton. “that wouldn’t be possible.”

“And why not?” he’s not sure if he should be daring to, but Yifan takes a step further. Yixing doesn’t move.

“My- My mother. She doesn’t like to lose sight of me.” the boy chuckles half-heartedly.

It’s curious how unhappy he sounds, how dissatisfied in being chained in place by his psychotic mother (Yifan had heard rumors about Spring) he looks. It stirs something in Yifan, an urge to wipe that expression of Yixing’s face.

“She won’t even notice you’re gone.” Yifan insists, but Yixing snorts.

“Believe me, she will.” he looks at Yifan with apologetic eyes. “I would really love to come. It’s been ages since I left Olympus and Mother was always with me. There is so much I’d like to see, to explore.” sighing, Yixing looks down once more. Yifan inhales.

Kyungsoo was wrong. According to his brother, Yixing would jump into the opportunity of leaving the Olympus, because the boy is so exhausted of his mother that any chance to leave old Spring would have been appreciated. Here’s Yifan offering said opportunity, yet, Yixing doesn’t seem that eager to jump into. Doesn’t mean he’ll give up, though, so he sighs and takes one last step closer, daring to reach for Yixing’s arm. The boy snaps his head up at the touch, and for a second Yifan thinks he’s going to yank his arm. He doesn’t.

“You’ll be back before she notices you’re gone.”

There’s a glint in Yixing’s eyes, and momentarily Yifan thinks he considers. “She’d die if something happens to me.”

Yifan rubs a thumb over Yixing’s soft skin, and the boy’s eyes follow his movement for a brief moment before settling back on his face. “I won’t let anything happen to you. Come with me.”

Yixing’s eyes lose focus, and when he looks up, the glint is back.


“... and this one is a Lily.” Yixing passes the flower to Minseok, who delicately takes it and brings it closer to his face, wide eyes studying the bloom. Yifan holds a snort back.

“It’s beautiful.” the ferryman faces Yixing in astonishment, mouth ajar.

Yixing smiles knowingly. “I know. I’ve been growing them since I was really tiny. Don’t you think they’d make better fare than coins? Coins are so boring.” his face suddenly lights up. “Flowers are pretty.”

A minute passes before Minseok chuckles, putting the flower back in Yixing’s basket and turning to Yifan. He says, “He really is Spring’s son.”

As they walk to Yifan’s palace, Yixing marvels. He takes in every detail of the architecture and what makes the underworld what it is. Yifan surprises in noticing he doesn’t look as frightened as he feared (even with all the imprisoned ones wandering with chains on their calves). In fact, Yixing looks interested.

“Are they all being punished?” he asks when they pass Phlegethon, the river’s strong flames engulfing souls inside.

“Some of them, yes.” Yifan answers. The souls burn in waves of fire and Yixing watches it all, ecstatic.

“They seem in a lot of pain.” he says in a near whisper. Before they leave Yixing walks closer to the river without saying anything and crouches, depositing three flowers on the ground.

He leaves a trail of flowers in his wake. Yifan thinks soon there is going to be a path of colorful bushes in the underworld.

When his palace comes in sight, Yixing gasps. “You live there?”

You’ll live there too he wants to say. Instead, Yifan hums, placing a hand on Yixing’s back. “I have a useless garden over there. Maybe you can help me?”

‘Garden’ works like a magical word. Yixing whoops, running ahead and entering Yifan’s mansion not even caring about the guards (usually scary guys, but Yifan is finding that a lot of things about Yixing just don’t fit his profile). The boy keeps turning around, calling out for Yifan to catch up and lead the way to his garden, but it’s not actually necessary. Yixing finds it on his own -- almost as he just knows where it is.

“Tell me where you want me to grow them.” he says excitedly, running his eyes across the lawn and crouching to touch the grass. Every single one of his actions is pure instinct, and Yifan can’t deny that he’s in his element.

“Wherever you want.” They’ll be yours to take care of.

He nods, walking around and looking for the perfect spot. Yifan’s garden is some kind of courtyard -- there is a huge fountain in the middle with a statue of himself riding a hellhound. Pretty obnoxious. It was his stupid Sea God brother’s idea. Chanyeol was always the ~creative~ one. Right there, around Chanyeol’s horrideous fountain, is where Yixing decides to grow his flowers, carefully handling each one of them, muttering gentle words as if they can hear him. Yifan won’t be surprised if they can.

“You guys should grow beautifully here, ok? Always healthy and happy.” he giggles at his own words (or maybe not his own) before burying them. Yifan frowns.

“You don’t need flower seeds?”

Yixing doesn’t turn to face him when he answers, “I don’t need flower seeds.” and proceeds to grow the flowers. They don’t exactly grow, but Yifan can tell they will soon because of the change in the atmosphere of his Garden. The air tastes like something new has entered his domain, and like something new is about to take over.

“I know what you did.” Yixing suddenly says.


“Your intentions.” he smiles brightly. “You want to keep me here with you.”

Yifan bewilders, his face falling and mouth hanging open in complete awe. Did he just… Did he seriously...

“What did you say?” he asks just for good measure because Yixing cannot have just said that.

Spring’s son giggles, “I said,” he steps closer. “You want to keep me here in the underworld. You want me to be your companion.”

How the hell did he figure that out? Was Yifan too blunt? Was he too conceited to think that his plan had gone well? Or was he too naive for thinking that Yixing was the naive one?

He can’t find the words to reply, so Yixing just sighs, “Relax, Yifan. I knew you were kidnapping me and I came anyway.”

“Y-you did?” he feels obnoxiously incompetent. How can someone as unskillful as him to be responsible for the underworld? Maybe his family knew, that’s why he was assigned the land of the dead where he can’t screw up stuff.

“Yes,” Yixing smiles and links his hands on his back, circling a very dumbfounded Yifan with mirthful eyes. “Did you think about life? I mean, the flora and how it’s going to survive after my mother is gone?”

It’s pretty evident by the way he can’t move that Yifan didn’t consider that point. He didn’t consider anything before plucking Yixing from the Olympus to be completely honest.

Upon no response, Yixing hums. “Well, I can’t be here forever. Or the world falls apart.”

Of course. What was Yifan thinking? That he could manage stealing Spring’s son when the boy is about to inherit her responsibility over flora? He’s so stupid. Yifan inhales, bringing his palms to his face in order to try to rub all his shame off.

When he’s about to apologize and suggest that he takes Yixing back to his mother, the boy says, “Which is why we should come up with some sort of arrangement.”

He must have heard it wrong.


Yixing dares to come closer -- so closer that Yifan is forced to look down to face him, and damn he is beautiful. Devastatingly beautiful.

“I can living here with you,” he starts slowly, painstakingly. “but we need to come up with a plan so I don’t have to -- one, deal with my mother, two, deal with my flora dying.” he places a hand on Yifan’s chest. Yifan swoons. “Do you think we can do it?”

It’s fascinating how fast he can react to a question. “YES!” Yifan nearly shouts. When Yixing widens his eyes at him, snorting a laugh, he clears his throat and tries again. “Yes.”

The boy opens the biggest, warmest smile Yifan’s ever seen. “Ok, good. Now come. Show me to my room.” he notices that Yifan is not following him and stops, turning around. “Come on! We have the underworld to rule.”

It’s safe to say that Yifan is totally, completely whipped when he follows Yixing inside without uttering a single word.

day 10, kissfx fic event, pg-13, 2015

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