Jul 30, 2004 19:13
1. Name:lauren
2. Nicknames:woder woman!! lols... nahh
3. Feet size: 7
4. Do you have a crush yupp
5. Boyfriend? : nope
6. Age you act: i eummo.. you tell me
7. Where Do You Live: california!! knows hot to party.. in the city.. city of la
8. Where you want to live: i eummo.....
9. Birthplace: la...
10. Favorite Salad Dressing: wtf?
11. Ever gone skinny dipping? no..
12. What are you watching? nothing....
13. Last person you talked to: mommy!!
14. Favorite movie: i have lots!!
15. Favorite Book: dont have oneee
16. Favorite Type of music: too much to list... anyhting but country and classical i guess
17. Favorite types of cars: fast cars!! vroom vroom
18. Favorite Saying: like and lols
19. Favorite Fast Food: blank
20. Favorite Ice Cream: chocolate?
21. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: dunno
22. When Do You Go To Sleep: depends
23. Most Embarrassing Moment: so many
24. Stupidest Person you know: cant compare
25. Funniest Person you know: james..... i think.. or jorge
26. Favorite holiday: cant compare
27. Favorite Food: filipino food kinda..
28. favorite song : i have too many
29. Favorite Television Show: dont watch tv that much anymore...
30. Favorite Radio Station: 1027 1059 1003 and what ever k roq is
31. Favorite junk food: brownies!! lols.... i eummo
32. Favorite fruity love song: i dono
33. Favorite Soft Drink: iced tea
34. Favorite article of clothing: skirts!!
1. School: i eummo...some law school i think
2. Where You Want To Live: i still dnno!
3. How Many Kids You Want: 2
4. What Kind Of Job You Want: lawer
5. Song: wat?
6. Car? my dads old mustang... er some bmw
SECTION THREE: Have You Ever..
1. Done Drugs: with teri!! lols j/k nope
2. Run Away From Home: wanted to
3. Hit A Boy: yeahh.! pfshh dont disrespect!!
4. Lied: chhyeah
5. Stolen Anything: yup
6. Broken A Bone: nu uh
7. Cheated On A Test: yea
8. Cheated On A Boyfriend: nu uh!!
9. Gotten Drunk: noppee
10. Been With Two guys/girls At Once: isnt that the ame as cheatin? and NO
11. Been In The Hospital: yes
12. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yea
13. Fell asleep in the shower/bathroom: lol no
15. Never slept during a night: yeahh
16. Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: yea.. almost ran over my bro with it too!
17. Been to a camp: no
18. Been in a restaurant w/o ordering: no
19. Seen someone die: nu uh!
20. Gone a week w/out shaving: ewww NO!!
21. Didn't wash your hair for a week: thats hellah gross!! no!!
22. Broken something valuable: no
23. Thought you were in love: chyeah
24. Streaked the streets: haha noo
25. Screamed at someone for no reason: yess...
27. Been hurt by a guy you loved: YEAH!! and i hit him for it [;
28. Stayed up till 3 am on the phone: no but maybe on the comp.. lols junior....
29. Pulled a prank? yea
30. Made fun of someone? yeah and im sooooo sooryy that i did!
Section Four: When is the Last Time You..
1. Took a shower: like.... 10 mins ago?
2. Cried: when my mom said i couldnt go to parins house!!
3. Watched a Disney move: looooooong tim ago... like a week lols... LILO AND STICH BEOTcH!
4. Given/gotten a hug: everyday
5. Been to the movies: today.. the village
7. kissed someone: yea
9. danced: i dance everyday!!
10. did a survey like this: couple weeks ago?
SECTION five: What is...
1. Your Fondest Memory Of This year: i dunno.. theres soo many!
2. Your Most Prized Possession: my room!!
3.Thing That Makes You The Happiest: when im with my homebuds!! achool and parins homies ;D
4. Your Favorite Food For Breakfast: crepes' made by lindsay and tita mayette!
5. Your Favorite Food For Dinner: i ono sometimes i dont eat dinner so yeah
6. Your Favorite Slow Song: i have lots!
1. full birth name: lauren olivia copello
2. hair color: DARK brown
3. eye color: brown
4. current height: 5'2?
5. glasses/contacts: nothing
6. birthdate: june 11
7. religion: catholic
8. current age: 13
9. siblings: two lil bros
11. location: la
12. college plans: law i think... or university of hawaii
13. braces? later i think.. maybe nott
1. best guy friend: hermmm.... lemme see.... brock i think...
2. best girl friend: hagover buddy and teri i think... knew them since birth!! lols
3. current crush: not in public.. he might read this...
4. boyfriend/girlfriend:
5. are u center of attention or wallflower:i ono..... sometimes im center thenn im like.. wallpaper lols.... both!
6. what type automobile do u drive: imma get my daddy's mustng!!
7. are u timely or always late: pfshh im always on time!!
8. do u have a job: nu uh
9. do u like being around people: CHHYEAH!!
1. have u ever loved someone u had no chance with? nu uh
2. have u ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did? yeah frikken miko!! and then teri and brian say we make a "good couple" pfshhh yeah riight
3. do u have a "type" of person u always go after: kinda.....
4. want someone u don't have right now? mmhmm
5. ever liked a close guyfriend? yeah.... but not brock!
6. are u lonely right now? kinda i really wanna see my friends! but im always tlkinto them online so yeahh
7. ever afraid u'll never get married? no not realli
8. do u want to get married? "i do"
9. do u want kids? i want da way u get kids but kids i duno bout goin thro labor
10. would you rather love or be loved? dunno, both
1. room in house: comp room!
2. type of music: too many
3. location for dates: movies... anywhere i guess...
4. memory: too many
5. day of the week: i have three
6.Color: PINK!!!!
7.Perfume brand.. escada....
8. song: ?
month: really dnt care
10. season: summer!!
In the last week have you..
1. cried: nu uh
2. bought something: yea
4. sang: hehe kinda
met someone new: yeahhh
Gone to the mall: yeah
10. had a serious talk: yeah
11. missed someone:yea
12. hugged someone:yea
13. kissed someone: yea
14. fought with your parents: yea...i think so
15. dreamed about someone u can't be with: kinda.. i think i can be with the person...
6. had a lot of sleep: nu uh