I like don't know what to do with myself anymore. I go from a super good mood and then all of a sudden my mood dropps. I got into talking things over with my brother and I found some good things out but other than that i'm just not happy. Mom came home and my sister yelled at me nonstop.. my friend erek<3 never called me back and I was wishing that he would because I can't stand staying in this house.. I seriously would like go and live with him if i could. It's seriously coming down to me leaving, I can't live with myself i'm never happy. I don't want to be dead, but then again I don't want to be alive. At my doctors appointment I have a million things that I have to get done to me, i'm scared for the results, and yeah I don't know. I miss my friend chad so much its unbelivible.. like you couldn't seperate us when he was in school and now he like doesn't want me a part of his life anymore, deleted me off of his friends list on myspace and everything I can't take it anymore I realllly can't. Blah i'm tired of it all. :-/ I need my chad. .. most of this happened the other day and its not all that happened. i just cant take much more of this. <3
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