'i cried for you on the kitchen floor', Neville/Luna, all ages

Oct 30, 2007 18:26

Title: i cried for you on the kitchen floor
Ship: Neville/Luna
Summary: ‘Do you love him?’ Rolf asks her.
Rating: all ages
Word Count: 393
Notes: For fireworkfiasco, on her birthday. Canon, epilogue and interview compliant.

i cried for you on the kitchen floor

Luna doesn’t understand what they call monogamy.

Of all the men she has been with, she has never stayed faithful to a single one of them; she never saw this as a problem, until they confronted her about it. Her response was always the same: yes. And? It doesn’t change how I feel about you. Oh, it does? I’m sorry to hear that. It was not a response any of them liked very much.

They didn’t realise that she ‘cheated’ on them with only one man.

But how can it be ‘cheating’? What is she gaining? Not the answers to an exam; that is certain.

But when Rolf finds out, he doesn’t mind.

‘What is he to you, anyway?’ he asks her. ‘You went to school together?’

She nods.

‘And now he’s a teacher?’

‘A professor,’ she says. ‘Of Herbology.’

‘An ex-boyfriend?’

She shakes her head. ‘No,’ she says. ‘Never.’

She wants it to work with Rolf, she really does. She loves him.

She can’t give him up, though.

It’s such a small price to pay, she thinks, for marriage, and companionship, and everlasting love - just one, tiny indiscretion. One man (although, despite everything he’s done, she’ll never stop thinking of him as a boy).

Some people have affairs with hundreds of people ... what is one measly professor?

They can’t not, she and her professor. They were taken down different routes, a long time ago, but their fates are too deeply entwined with each other’s. She’s always known they would end up like this, and she knows they will never stop; just as she always knew that Malfoy was not a killer and that she would eventually be rescued from that cellar and that Harry would defeat Voldemort and marry Ginny and buy a four-bedroomed house in South-West London.

She wonders if Hannah knows. She’s never asked.

‘Do you love him?’ Rolf asks her.

‘I love you; I want to spend the rest of my life with you,’ she says, and he is content.

The only person she’s cheating, she thinks sometimes, is herself.

Rolf doesn’t get jealous when he catches them together.

‘Things will be different when we’re married,’ he says, once she has ushered her old friend the teacher out of the door.

In a way, she hopes he’s right; deep down, she knows he’s not.

Notes: The title and a vast amount of the inspiration come from Amy Winehouse’s ‘You Know I’m No Good’. adklhfgrldghls fwf, this is a bit silly, but I hope you like it!

((all fic)), .neville/luna., luna, [all ages], neville, (het)

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