May 01, 2005 17:52
I just found out that one of my ex boyfriends Josh B. died. I went out with him last year. He died on fathers day of last year. I just found out an hour ago. I broke up with him two months before he died. For a while he was calling and calling. Leaving messages on my cell phone saying he was sorry and he still wanted to go out with me. Then they stoped. Now I know why. He was beautiful. He was tall, Had a really good personality, Was Sweet, Had black hair, Beautifully hypnotic eyes, And a really great smile. By far the hottess guy I had ever seen or dated. He was hit by a semi in Bluefield W.V. By the local K*Mart. He died instantly. He was only 18 when he died. His life was just beging. He wanted to rise a family and have a beautiful little girl, so that he could teach her all he knew. I only know this because he told me. I'm going to miss him a whole lot. I just hope I'll be able to see him at those golden gates. Then I'll be able to say all the things I wish I would have.
Just food for thought you never know when your last moments with some one are. So cherish them dearly.