the sun is drowned in a deathly sea.

Jul 06, 2010 00:15

a couple memes! read 'em, steal 'em, fill 'em!

fun itunes meme! stolen from the fantastic snowweisz.

Total number of tracks: 4713
Total length of music: 12 days

Sort by song title:
- First song: a-punk - vampire weekend
- Last song: ? - tom waits

Sort by time:
- Shortest song: one last 'whoo-hoo!' for the pullman - sufjan stevens (0:07)
- Longest song: do we need this? (live) - muse (26:10)

Sort by artist:
- First song: o...saya (featuring m.i.a.) - a.r. rahman
- Last song: snowblind - +/-

Top 10 most played songs:
01. roles reversed - julia nunes
02. brad's house - the uglysuit
03. balaclava - arctic monkeys
04. crying lightning - arctic monkeys
05. the age of the understatement - the last shadow puppets
06. mardy bum - arctic monkeys
07. balloons - julia nunes
08. the great escape - we are scientists
09. oh my god - the kaiser chiefs
10. standing next to me - the last shadow puppets

First five songs that come up on shuffle:
01. space dementia - muse
02. world's worst beach party - michael giacchino
03. in the heat of the morning - the last shadow puppets
04. will the future blame us - our lady peace
05. he said she said - bell x1

How many songs come up when you search for:
- "sex": 655 (there are so many because all of my favorite artists are listed under genre "sex"! hahaha)
- "love": 236
- "you": 591
- "death": 42
- "hate": 44
- "wish": 10
- "monkey": 68 (haha oh arctic monkeys!)


the a-z survey!

01. A is for age: 16! forever 16.

02. B is for beer of choice: not a big fan of beer.

03. C is for career right now: high school student; professional laugher.

04. D is for your dog's name: sammy and pepper!

05. E is for essential item you use everyday: my ipod, no doubt.

06. F is for favorite TV show at the moment: OOH, good one. i'll have to go with sex & the city, embarrassingly enough, haha. it's a great show to get into during the summer!

07. G is for favorite game: online -- sudoku. inside -- monopoly. outside -- hide & seek. classic.

08. H is for hometown: somewhere in the heart of pennsylvania. :)

09. I is for instruments you play: none, really well! i used to play the piano pretty well; and i used to take guitar lessons. i want to get back into both of those instruments, actually. i miss them.

10. J is for favorite juice: cranberry juice, what what!

11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: bad drivers.

12. L is for last place you ate: here! at home. fish & carrots.

13. M is for marriage: i'd like to get married one day.

14. N is for nose game: I NEVER WIN NOSE GAME. never.

15. O is for overnight hospital stays: never overnight -- did spend all day in one, though. not fun.

16. P is for people you were with today: my mama, my nana, and great-gram, and my papa.

17. Q is for quote: "i can hear the music all around me." -dudley moore's last words

18. R is for biggest regret: i don't really have one yet.

19. S is for status: single!

20. T is for time you woke up today: haha, NOON. such a lazeball.

21. U is for underwear you have on now: red, with white lace around the edges. they're very ~girly, i know.

22. V is for vegetable you love: GREEN BEANS. NO QUESTION.

23. W is for worst habit: i slouch like a BEAST.

24. X is for x-rays you've had: a catscan on my head, an xray for my lungs, and multiple xrays for my teeth.

25. Y is for yummy food you ate today: raspberry yogurt with fresh blackberries mixed in. mmmm.

26. Z is for zodiac sign: leo! leos ROCK.


...that is all for now. off to do fun late-night things, such as write. and sleep.

online: meme

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